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藻类植物整个藻体都能吸收营养制造有机物质 ,不需要高等植物那样花相当多的能量消耗在 支持器官上。藻类植物体形态多样,许多种类 要用显微镜或电镜才能观察清楚。形态结构、 繁殖方法也简单。通常以细胞分裂为主,当环 境条件适宜、营养物质丰富时,藻体个体数的 增长非常快速。藻类分布十分广泛,各种水域 中均有。有些种类在小水体和浅水湖泊中常大 量繁殖,使水体呈现色彩,这一现象称为“水 华”(water bloom)有些种类在海水中大量繁 殖,形成“赤潮”(red tide)
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Overview: A good 'H NMR sample contains about 10 mg of compound. The solution should contain no solids or paramagnetic impurities. Your deuterated NMR solvent should be free of water,and your NMR spectrum should contain no solvent peaks. Reference: Zubrick page 295 is relatively useful, but you should follow the specifics in this handout Also, keep in mind that we won't be running continuous wave spectrometers, so you should disregard any discussion of them. NMR Solvents:
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一、冷却管路的功用及形式 (一)功用 在柴油机中,燃料燃烧放出的热大约45-50%转换为有用功,25-35%要从活塞、气缸等部件散出,其余由排气带出
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根据水利部水利水电技术标准制定计划,在总结全国第一次水资源调查评 价以来实践的基础上,编制了《水资源评价导则》。《水资源评价导则》主要 包括以下内容: 总则:对标准的编制目的、依据、适用范围及技术原则作了说明
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Content Chap.1 Introduction Chap. 2 Background knowledge-Climate Change Chap. 3 Climate/change and agriculture Chap. 4 Climate/change and water resources Chap. Climate/change and land resources Chap. 6 Climate/change and disasters
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Microbial Ecology: Microorganisms in soil, water, and other environments and how microorganisms act to chemically change their environments. Microbial ecologists study: the biodiversity of microorganisms in nature and how different guilds interact in microbial communities The activities of microorganisms in nature and monitor their effects on ecosystems
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一、集中式给水: 1 通常称为自来水 由水源集中取水,经统一净化 处理和消毒后,通过输水管送到用户的供水方式
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The origins of dehydration go back into. The preservation of food by drying has been an art for centuries but it is only in the middle of the present century that the art has been translated into terms of technology. The old methods of utilising the sun and wind to evaporate water
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In broad terms, the quality control staff, under the supervision of a qualified food chemist, should be responsible for the following: ()The evaluation of quality of all incoming raw material, supplementary ingredients used in processing, chemicals packaging material, cellulose and other film, paper and fibreboard containers, and certain consumable stores: (2)All routine laboratory tests on raw material, finished products, lye and blancher liquor, boiler and processing water;
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