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1、语句分类 语句是构造程序的基本成分。 C 语言中的各种语句从构成上看可以分为5大类:
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C语言语句可以分为五大类: (1)表达式语句 表达式语句由一个表达式加一个分号构成,其一般形式为: 表达式; 在C语言中用的最多的是由赋值表达式加一个分号构成的赋值表达式语句 例如:i=i+1;a=3.5;i++
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1 Preliminaries The Integers 3 Groups 4 Cyclic Groups 5 Permutation Groups 6.1 Cosets 7 Introduction to Cryptography 8 Algebraic Coding Theory 9 Isomorphisms 10 Normal Subgroups and Factor Groups 11 Homomorphisms 12 Matrix Groups and Symmetry 13 The Structure of Groups 14 Group Actions 15 The Sylow Theorems 16 Rings 17 Polynomials 18 Integral Domains 19 Lattices and Boolean Algebras 20 Vector Spaces 21 Fields 22 Finite Fields 23 Galois Theory
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1 The How, When, and Why of Mathematics Spotlight: George Polya Tips on Doing Homework 2 Logically Speaking 3 Introducing the Contrapositive and Converse 4 Set Notation and Quantifiers Tips on Quantification 5 Proof Techniques Tips on Definitions …… 10 Relations Tips on Reading Mathematics 11 Partitions Tips on Putting It All Together 12 Order in the Reals 13 Consequences of the Completeness of R Tips: You Solved ItNow What? 14 Functions, Domain, and Range Spotlight: The Definition of Function 15 Functions, One-to-One, and Onto 16 Inverses 17 Images and Inverse Images Spotlight: Minimum or Infimum? 18 Mathematical Induction 19 Sequences 20 Convergence of Sequences of Real Numbers 21 Equivalent Sets 22 Finite Sets and an Infinite Set 23 Countable and Uncountable Sets 24 The Cantor–Schroder–Bernstein Theorem Spotlight: The Continuum Hypothesis ……
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程序(广义): 如:某一个会议的程序 1、 宣布全议开始; 2、 奏国歌 ; 3、校长讲话; 4、 宣布获奖者名单; 5、颁奖; 6、获奖代表讲话; 7、宣布会议结束;
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4.1.1网络互联的必要性 4.1.2网络互联的基本原理 4.1.3网络互联的类型 4.1.4网络互联的方式
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3.4.1共享介质局域网的工作原理及存在的问题 3.4.2交换局域网的特点 3.4.3交换局域网的工作原理 3.4.4局域网交换机技术
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3.2.1载波监听多路访问/冲突检测 3.2.2令牌环访问控制 3.2.3令牌总线访问控制 3.2.4csma/cd与 Bus、 TokenRing的比较
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2.10无线通信 2.10.1蜂窝无线通信发展概述 2.10.2蜂窝移动电话系统主要通信技术 2.10.3 Ad hoc无线网络通信 2.10.4卫星通信技术
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1.4.1引言 1.4.2网络系统的体系结构 1.4.3网络系统结构参考模型SO/OS 1.4.4p/P协议 1.4.5OS参考模型与TCP/IP参考模型的比较
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