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6.1 Introduction The convolution sum description of an LTI discrete-time system can, in principle, be used to implement the system For an IR finite-dimensional system this approach is not practical as here the impulse response is of infinite length · However, direct implementation of the IIR finite-dimensional system is practica
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A Simple Binomial Model of Stock Price Movements In a binomial model, the stock price at the BEGINNING of period can lead to only 2 stock prices at the END of that period
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The Nature of Derivatives derivative(衍生产品/工具) is an instrument whose value depends on the values of other more basic underlying(标的/原 生) variables
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SELF--INTRODUCTION Name: Xie Fang · Major: English Home town Nanchang · Degree: B.A Hobby: reading, listening to the music, using computer, watch original American movies, shopping, walking, travelling Family: 3 members, husband, twelve- year-old son
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Plan .Introduction Brief recall of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics .Molecular dynamics method (MD) .Monte Carlo method (MC) .Illustration of a few applications of MD and MC in the research works carried out in our laboratory .Tutorials on MD and MC
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DESIGN METHODOLOGY goaL-- Produce design for chemical plant that: Is economically acceptable and Is operable,ie., eIs safe → Is controllable Is reliable,and Is environmentally acceptable
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WHATIS DESIGN??? A DESIGN IS PLAN FOR: Manufacturing an artifact refrigerator or a rug Building the mean of manufacture A factory or a chemical plant Building structure A bridge or a baseball stadium Implementing an organization A hospital emergency room A air transportation system
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DESIGN METHODOLOGY goaL-- Produce design for chemical plant that: Is economically acceptable and Is operable,ie., eIs safe → Is controllable Is reliable,and Is environmentally acceptable
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WHATIS DESIGN??? A DESIGN IS PLAN FOR Manufacturing an artifact E A refrigerator or a rug Building the mean of manufacture E Afactory or a chemical plant Building a structure E A bridge or a baseball stadium Implementing an organization A hospital emergency room E A air transportation system
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目录 0.1物理化学课程的内容 0.2学习物理化学的要求及方法 0.3物理量的表示及运算
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