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1范围 本方法适用于铀矿冶炼排放废水中微量钍的测定。当取水样20mL时,方法的最低检出 浓度为0.008mg/L(在吸光度A=0.01时所对应的钍浓度),测定上限为3.00mg/L(取样1mL时) 经磷酸三丁酯萃淋树脂(简称CL一TBP萃淋树脂)分离后,在测定2.0ig钍时,钾、钠、 铁(II)各100mg;氯、高氯酸根各80mg;钙60mg;硫酸根、铝各50mg;锰(铜(Ⅱ)、镁、 锌各20mg;钴、钼(VI)各10mg镍、磷酸根、(),镉5mg铬(VI)、铅各2.5mg锶、 锂、铋、镉、钒(V)、硫酸根各1mg;砷(V)0.6mg;铀(VI)铋(V)银、钨(VI)各0.5mg;钍 0.3mg;锆(1V)0.25mg;总稀土、锑(V)、金(铈(V)各0.1mg;氟0.01mg不干扰测定
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(1)x(n)是有限长序列,且长度为M。与 Fourier换和z变换不同,n仅定义在o,m-1]的整数区间上; (2)变换核为W=eN,将时域序列x(n)变换为频域序列X(k)
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第一节遗传密码的破译 遗传密码的试拼 1954年G. Gamov对破译密码首先提出了设想 若一种碱基对应与一种氨基酸,那么只可能产生4种氨基酸; 若2个碱基编码一种氨基酸的话,4种碱基共有 42=16种不同的排列组合
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In the special case when E's are conditionally independent(though they all depend on the alternative, Ak), P(, E2..)= P(A... -)P() ()P) This is easy to do and can be done recursively
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Non-zero power at non-zero frequency If R(r) includes a sinusoidal component corresponding to the component x()=Asin(o41+6) where 0 is uniformly distributed over 2t, A is random independent of 0, that component will be
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For the differential system characterized by its equations of state,specialization to invariance means that the system matrices A, B,C are constants
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The two middle terms are zero: fort>lo,n(t) and are uncorrelated becauset) is white(impulse correlation function) For=, n() has a finite effect on x()because n() is white. But the integral of a finite quantity over one point is zero
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醛、酮、醌分子中含有官能团羰基>C=,故称为羰基化合物。 羰基和两个烃基相连的化合物叫做酮,至少和一个氢原子相连的化合物叫做醛,可用 通式表示为:
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一、结构,同分异构和命名: 1. Structure:-C=c-sp分子是线性的,无几何异构
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where is the linearized system matrix. But this requires the full(same number of equations as finite differencing). In =time when the nominal trajectory
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