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Welcome to the exiting world of NMR... though a little hard to learn... remember... .Why just NMR... .How a ID NMR spectrum look like... .What we can obtain from it... and what can we do for a big molecule
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What is nmr? g NMR, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, is a phenomenon which occurs when the nuclei of certain atoms are immersed in a static magnetic field and exposed to a second oscillating magnetic field
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A remarkab|efie|d e One of the two leading technologies in structural biolog y Great contributions to biology A special window to the development of modern structural biology and biophysics THNMR YAN
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一、连锁与互换现象 二、连锁互换与基因作图 三、连锁群
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杭州电子科技大学:《生物信息学》课程教学资源(PPT课件)从人类基因组计划(HGP)说起 Introduction to Bioinformatics
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1. 性别决定 2. 伴性遗传 3. 性别分化
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NMR supplement The second decade into the third millenium Kurt Wuthrich NMR spectroscopy is one of the principal experimental techniques of structural biology, with abilities to determine atomic resolution structures as well as investigate dynamics and intermolecular interactions of
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一、植物界的分门别类 二、植物分类的阶层系统和命名 三、国际植物命名法规简介 International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
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生物防治是一种自然现象—一天敌对动物、植物数量的调节的应用。是所有活生物保持 平衡的自然控制力的主要因素的应用。 生物防治的定义( Biological control) 生物防治概念 生物防治是一门研究利用天敌控制植物病害虫害和农田杂草的理论和实践的学科:或称 之为寄生物、捕食者、病原微生物和侵袭杂草的植食性种的管理。研究利用害虫天敌,控制 害虫的理论和实践的学科,叫害虫的生物防治。另一简单而又包括自然现象领域和天敌利用 的定义是:寄生物、捕食者、或病原物使另一种生物的平均密度维持在它较它们不存在时为 底的水平的作用(1964 Debach)。也有广义认为寄主抗生性、自我不孕和种的遗传控制等
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四、连锁与互换定律 五、性别决定与伴性遗传 六、畜禽经济性状的遗传
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