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Introduction引言 20-1 Atomic Spectra 原子光谱的规律性 20-2 Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom 玻尔的氢原子理论 20-3 De Broglie's Postulate and Matter Waves德布罗意波粒波二象性 20-4 The Uncertainty Principle 不确定度关系 20-5 The Wave Function and Schrodinger Equation波函数薛定谔方程 20-6 The infinite Potential Well 一维无限深的势阱
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Introduction 1-2 Definition of a Fluid Fluid mechanics: the behavior of The solid object will no change fluids at rest and in motion inside the a closed container A fluid is a substance that deforms continuously under the application The liquid will change its shape of a shear(tangential) stress no to conform to that of the matter how small the shear stress container and will take on the may be
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◼ 学什么? ◼ 为什么学? ◼ 如何学?
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Introduction The nervous tissue of animals responds to stimuli within and outside of the body. Incoming information is integrated and a response is made. The response is muscle contraction or secretion by a gland. The end hydra result is the maintenance of body functions or homeostasis
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Introduction (chapter objectives) Power spectral density Matched filters Recall former Chapter that random signals are used to convey information. Noise is also described in terms of statistics. Thus, knowledge of random signals and noise is fundamental to an understanding of communication systems
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Introduction (chapter objectives) Complex envelopes and modulated signals Spectra of bandpass signals Nonlinear distortion · Communication circuits(mixers, phase- locked loops, frequency synthesizers, and detectors) Transmitters and receivers · Software radios
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Introduction Basic signal properties(dc, rms, dBm, and power) Fourier transform and spectra Linear systems and linear distortion Bandlimited signal and sampling Discrete Fourier transform Bandwidth of signal
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Introduction Frequency-selective fading is a dominant impairment in mobile communications Fading reduces receive signal-to-noise ratio and degrades the bit-error-rate(BER) Frequency selectivity of the channel, i. e, delay spread, induces inter-symbol interference(ISI) To combat frequency-selective fading
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概述(introduction): Factors cause diseases chemicals physical biologicalpsychological chemicals: occupational, non- occupational. physical: occupational, non- occupational
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Upper respiratory tract Lower Respiratory tract Terminal respiratory Unite(anatomy of the Acinus) Circulation of the Lung www.zshospital.com
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