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一、名词解释: 二、判断题: 1、×2、×3、√4、×5、√6、× 7、×8、√9、×10、×11、√12、× 三、单项选择题: 1、B2、D3、C4、A5、C 6、D7、D8、C9、A10、C
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一、单项选择题(每小题2分) 1、企业资金运动的动态表现是() A、资产 B、权益 C、资产、负债及所有者权益 D、收入、费用和利润 2、下列项目中,引起资产和负债同时减少的经济业务是() A、以银行存款偿还前欠外单位贷款 B购买材料、贷款尚未支付 C、收到投资者投入的资本、存入银行 D、向银行借入长期借款还应付帐款
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综合练习题 一、从下列四个供选择的答案中选出正确的一个答案 1、语句printf(%dd,123);将输出: A)%123%dB)%%d123C)%d123D)上述语句语法有错 “%%”格式表示输出一个“%”。 2、执行下列程序段后,a值为:
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人教A版高中数学必修4第三章 三角恒等变换3.2 简单的三角恒等变换导学案(2)
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第1题席位分配 1比例加惯例2。Q值方法3. d hondt方法 已知pn已有nn增加1席 A|235117.578.358,75 给p/n1+1最大的一方 B333166.511183.25 C432216144108864·使分配的pn尽量接近,即 max(min(o)) A322443 B333555 s.∑n 667 总计101010|151515
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Introduction These notes essentially tie up a few loose ends in Lecture 8; in particular, I exhibit examples of inefficiencies in first- and second-price auctions. I would also like to briefly comment on Questions 1 and 2 in Problem Set 2 The first-price auction may be inefficient even with private values Both examples I am going to show are due to Eric Maskin(to the best of my knowledge) The first point I wish to make is that, even in a private-values setting, asymmetries may
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Introduction Signaling games are used to model the following situation: Player 1, the Sender, receives some private information and sends a message m E M to Player 2, the Receiver. The latter, in turn, observes m but not 0, and chooses response r E R. Players'payoffs depend on 0, m and r. What could be simpler? Yet, there is a huge number of economically interesting games that fit nicely within this framework: Spence's job market signaling model is the leading example, but applications abound in IO (limit pricing, disclosure...) finance (security design) and political economics
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有待解决的问题 A.激励 B.协调 C.结构 2.解决问题的方法 A.1978以前 1)结构中央调整农轻重比例 (2)协调改变条、块管理,权力下放,但一放就活,一活 就乱 (3)激励:学雷锋,但不能每人都成为雷峰 B.1978以后 (1)结构中央调整农轻重比例
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The Academy of management Review, Vol 6, No 4(Oct. 1981), 609-620 Stable url: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0363-7425%28198110%296%03a4%3c609%03atcoiot%3e2.0.c0%3b2-m The Academy of Management Review is currently published by Academy of Management. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at
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Two stimulating and innovative papers by Morrill were concerned with waves of spatial diffusion.(Morrill,[1, 2 )The purpose of the first was to propose some insights and interpretations which can be obtained by characteriz ive-like phend Morrill scopic and theoretical implications of such a conceptualization. He was concerned with both time and distance, and noted that in earlier conceptualizations more emphasis had been placed on de ecay re elated to time than on that related to distance. He therefore hypothesized that the number of innovations would de-
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