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第一节:基本概念 第二节,科研设计三要素 第三节,科研设计基本原则 第四节,科研设计方案的基本内容
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第一节 护理研究的概念 第二节 护理研究的分类 第三节 护理研究的方法 第四节 护理研究的基本程序 第五节 护理研究的特点 第六节 护理研究的意义
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一、写作背景 辛弃疾到了南方,这时耿京的起义军已 经失败,他便留在南宋。从此以后,他继续 坚持爱国主义立场,用他的饱含激情的词和 文章,宣传北伐抗金、收复中原、统一全国 的主张
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Compound dictation Questions & Answers Watch & Discuss Main idea and devices for developing it How to apply to our real life the typical expressions and patterns taken from the text Blank filling All the exercises for Section A 说明文写作技巧 Pre-reading Activities Expressions & Patterns Exercises Text Analysis Summary Paragraph Writing
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You work for an airline you have just received a letter from a customer who says that she had a terrible flight, that her bags did not arrive until two days later, and that one of her bags was broken. Write a letter apologizing and ask for further information so that you can arrange
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Letter Writing Practice 2 Test Yourself You office needs to rent a video camera for one month. You need a small machine that produces a professional quality image. Write to Photofinish Ltd and ask them if they rent machines like that and the price. Write a full business letter. (invent any details you need)
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《专业导论》 《高等数学 B(一)》 《无机及分析化学》 《无机及分析化学实验》 《有机化学》 《有机化学实验》 《普通生物学》 《生物化学》 《生物化学实验》 《微生物学》 《遗传学》 《分子生物学》 《基因工程》 《分子生物学与基因工程实验》 《仪器分析》 《生物统计与试验设计》 《生物制药》 专业方向课教学大纲. 《发酵工程》 《酶工程》 《蛋白质工程与应用》 《生化工程》 专业选修课程教学大纲 《专业英语》 《课题设计与论文写作》 集中实践课程教学大纲 《专业见习》 《毕业论文(设计)》 《毕业实习》
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Lecture 10 General Introduction of Argumentative Essay Objectives To learn how a composition is different from a paragraph To learn how to write a composition generally Writing instructions The purpose of argumentation is to convince. Argumentative essays should have a debatable point, sufficient evidence, and good and clear logic
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Explain or explore something, (e. g, process of make a machine, the causes of a natural or ocial phenomenon, the planning of a project, or a solution of a problem) Description mainly deal with appearance and feelings, and narration with events and experiences, unlike the two, the exposition mainly deals with relationships as well as processes
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