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语境是指语言交际的环境。从广义说 指语言活动出现的具体情境,包括说话的场合 面语言的上下文和口语的前言后语等。为 社会环境、时代背景等;从狭义说,语境 人们对语音的知觉常受到语境的影响。例 如,音位/p/在单词peck和 speck中的发音是有 区别的。因为在单词 speck中,音位/s/的发音 改变了音位/p/的发音
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Introduction (引入新课) Part One:(Para 1-29) The life story of tony Trivisonno Part TWo:(Para 30-33) The authors reflection on Tony's story
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Unit One Growing up Texta Writing For Myself Reference book: (New) Integrated Course 1 Student's and Teachings book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice Objective:
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Introductory Questions 1. What do you know about computer and internet 2. What kinds of fields do you think we can use computer and internet? (examples) 3. What's your opinion about internus?
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Test 1 Directions: Choose from A), B, C and D) the best answer to complete each of the following sentences 1. No one takes him any more, he's become a figure of fun A)earnestly B)seriously
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66.5°N以北为北极地区(北冰洋为主) 665°S以南为南极地区(大陆为主) 北极环流的平均情况(P165图420) 1、中高层极地为极涡控制
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一战战伤→急性失血→休克→死亡 二战:战伤→急性失血→输血→休克→死亡 E50s朝鲜战争战伤→急性失血→输血→休克复苏 后→少尿→急性肾衰→死亡
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Binary dependent variables Recall the linear probability model, which can be written as P(=1x)=Bo+xB a drawback to the linear probability model is that predicted values are not constrained to be between 0 and An alternative is to model the proba、,s a function, G(Bo+xB), where 0
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Stationary Stochastic Process e A stochastic process is stationary if for every collection of time indices 11 e Thus, stationarity implies that the x,'s are dentically distributed and that the nature of any correlation between adjacent terms is
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What is Heteroskedasticity Recall the assumption of homoskedastic implied that conditional on the explanator variables the variance of the unobserved error u was constant If this is not true that is if the variance of u is different for different values of thex's. then the errors are heteroskedastic
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