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12-1道路工程测量概述 初测在路线可能范围内,测回带状地 形图、纵断面图,收集地质、水文等资料 ,为初步设计提供依据。 定测在选定设计方案的路线上进行中 线测量、纵、横断面测量、带状地形图测 绘
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Chapter 25 Magnetism 1. Magnet and Magnetic Field 2. Definition of Magnetic Field 3. Force on an Electric Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field 4. Torque on a Current Loop
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Properties of Pressure Vertical to the surface and point into it. At any point, pressure is independent of orientation
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When is a flow compressible? compressible flow differs from an incompressible one in that significant change happens in the density
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Boundary layer(边界层) Although frictional effects in slightly viscous fluid are indeed present, they are confined to a thin layer near the surface of the body, and the rest of the flow can be considered inviscid. (1904, Prandt/)
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Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Preliminary Remarks When you think about it, almost everything on this planet either is a fluid or moves within or near a fluid. -Frank M. White What is a fluid?
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Chapter 13 &14 Wave Motion and Sound 1. Simple Harmonic Waves 2. Wave Equation 3. Energy and Power of Waves Interference of Waves Standing Waves 1. The Doppler Effect
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第一节 质粒载体 第二节 噬菌体载体 第三节 大分子DNA克隆载体 第四节 病毒载体 第五节 基因打靶载体(Targeting vector) 第六节 用于基因转移的受体菌或细胞 各种基因工程受体的特性 实验室常用的基因工程受体 受体细胞应具备的条件
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是指对遗传信息的分子操作和施工,即把 分离到的或合成的基因经过改造,插入载体 中,导入宿主细胞内,使其扩增和表达,从而获 得大量基因产物,或者令生物表现出新的性状. 基因工程(genetic engineering)或 重组DNA技术(recombinant DNA technology) 二十世纪生物科学具有划时代意义的巨大 事件,推动了生物科学的迅猛发展,并带动了生 物技术产业的兴起
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第一节 DNA的提取与纯化 第二节 核酸凝胶电泳技术 第三节 核酸的分子杂交 第四节 基因扩增技术——PCR 第五节 DNA序列分析
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