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一、消元过程 对线性方程组Ax=b如果det(A)≠0对其增广矩阵施行行初等变换:
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一、对角占优矩阵 若矩阵A=(a)nn满足
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(二)跳跃远度的构成 远度S=S1+S2+S3
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4.1引言 微分学基本定理的首要背景是研究可导函数y=f(x)在某点x处取得极值的问题
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一、解释题(每题5分,共40分 1.75%的差别阈限 2.阈限的信号检测论观点 3.k=△
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5.1不定积分与原函数 5.1.1不定积分与原函数的定义 定义5.1f(x)是定义在区间∈R上的函数,若存在定义在1上的可导函数F(x),使得F(x)=f(x),Vx∈,则称F(x)为f(x)在上的一个原函数
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This equation accounts for the kinetic data given in Figure 8-15.At very low substrate concentration, when [S] is much less than KM, V [s]Vmax/KMi that is, the rate is directly proportional to the substrate concentration At high substrate concentration, when [SI is much greater than KM, V=Vmax; that is, the rate is maximal, independent of substrate
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1 Motivations All the models we have looked at thus far have been single equations models of the form y=XB+u All of the variables con
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一、选择题 1、[]一小球沿斜面向上运动,其运动方程为S=5+4tt(SI),则小球运动到最高点的时刻是
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一、肾脏的正常功能和结构 Nephron=glomerulus +proximal tubule +thin loop of Henle +distal tubule
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