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Ⅰ. Introduction and theory The modern computer has revolutionized the way we live. Not surprisingly, the computer has also changed the way we do biochemical research. Your first encounter with a computer in this laboratory will probably be while using an instrument that has a computer to control its operation, to collect data, and to analyze data. All major pieces of scientific equipment including UV-VIS spectrometers, high-performance liquid chromatographs
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18. The anticodon and/or the amino acid arms of a tRNA are key for a specific aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase to recognize This was revealed via: crystal structure determination of the synthetases complexed with their cognate tRNAs; sequence comparison of tRNAs binding to the same synthetase; and mutagenesis studies
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Homework II (cont’d): Ch. 6 problems 6, 7, 8 (optionally 10) and Ch. 7 problems 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 (optionally 12) a useful site: www.cbi.pku.edu.cn Use blast search in database swissprot PDB is available on this site. Rasmol is available for Win98 if you don’t want to download Chemscape
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最广泛使用的不连续缓冲系统最早是由 Ornstein(1964) 和 Davis(1964) 设计的, 样品和 浓缩胶 中含 Tris-HCl(pH 6.8), 上下槽缓冲 液含 Tris- 甘氨酸(pH 8.3), 分离胶中含 Tris-HCl(pH 8.8)。系统中所有组分都含有 0.1% 的 SDS(Laemmli, 1970)。样品和浓缩胶中的 氯离子形成移动界面的先导边界而甘氨酸分子则组成尾随边界,在移动界面的两边界之间是 一电导较低而电位滴度较陡的区域, 它推动样品中的蛋白质前移并在分离胶前沿积聚
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一、722 型分光光度计操作规程 1. 将灵敏度旋钮调置“1”档,(放大倍率最小)。 2. 开启电源,指标灯亮,选择开关置于“T”。 3. 打开试样室盖(光门自动关闭),调节“0%T”旋钮,使数字显示为“000.0
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根据上述假设导出的平衡塔板理论,初步阐明了溶质的分布随柱内流动相 体积的变化规律,导出了层析洗脱曲线方程(曲线方程从略)。它形象定量地描 述了层析柱的柱效率等,初步揭示了层析分离的真实过程。对层析技术的发展 起了重要的推动作用
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yielding metabolism in aerobic organisms. All oxi￾dative steps in the degradation of carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids converge at this final stage of cellular respiration, in which the energy of oxidation drives the synthesis of ATP. Photophosphorylation is the means by which photosynthetic organisms capture the energy of sunlight—the ultimate source of energy in the bio￾sphere—and harness it to make ATP. Together
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一、定义 维生素(vitamin)是机体维持正常功能所必需,但在体内不能合成或合成量很少,必须由食物供给的一组低分子量有机物质
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核酸分子杂交 (nucleic acid hybridization ) 在DNA复性过程中,如果把不同DNA单链 分子放在同一溶液中,或把DNA与RNA放在一 起,只要在DNA或RNA的单链分子之间有一定 的碱基配对关系,就可以在不同的分子之间形 成杂化双链(heteroduplex)
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一、定义一种或多种糖以共价键连接到肽链上的蛋白质。 二、蛋白质含量较多,糖所占比例变动大,表现为蛋白质的特性
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