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4.1 细胞反应的计量学 4.2 细胞反应的碳平衡 4.3 细胞反应的氧平衡和ATP平衡 4.4 细胞反应的能量平衡
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第一节联立方程模型的概念 第二节识别问题(The identification problem) 第三节联立方程模型的估计
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第一节引言 第二节分布滞后模型的估计 第三节部分调整模型和适应预期模型
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第一节多元线性回归模型的概念 第二节多元线性回归模型的估计
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计量经济学(Econometrics)一词,又译经济计量 学,该词首次使用是在1910年,但给该词赋予我们现 在所理解的那种含义(即作为一个经济学学科),是挪 威经济学家弗里希(R. Frisch)的功劳。从字面上 说,该词含义是经济测量( Economic measurement),但实际上,其含义要广得多。下 面引用几个比较权威的定义来说明这一点
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Single equation regression models: -The dependent variable, Y, is expressed as a linear function of one or more explanatory variables, the Xs. Assumption the cause-and-effect relationship, if any, between Y and the Xs is unidirectional: explanatory variables are the cause; the dependent variable is the effect
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One CLRM assumption is: The model used in empirical analysis is \correctly specified\
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11.1 The Nature of Heteroscedasticity Homoscedasticity: equal variance. Heteroscedasticity: unequal variance. Heteroscedasticity is usually found in cross-sectional data
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Dummy variables (also indicator variables; binary variables categorical variables; dichotomous variables.) Qualitative variables in regression model For example: sex, race, color, religion, nationalit y, marital status, etc
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Multiple Regression Model: A regression model with more than one explanatory variable, multiple because multiple nfluences (i.e., variables)affect the dependent variable
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