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【0-1】从基本单位换算入手,将下列物理量的单位换算为 SI 制。 (1)40℃时水的粘度 μ=0.00656g(cm·s) (2)某物质的比热容 CP=0.21BTU/(lb·F) (3)密度 ρ=1386kgf·s2/m4 (4)传热系数 KG=24.2kmol/(m2·h·atm) (5)表面张力 σ=71dyn/cm
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定理7莱布尼茨定理) 如果交错级数∑(-1)nun满足条件:则级数收敛,且其和s≤u,其余项r的绝对值run 简要证明设级数的前n项部分和为S2可写成
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The true language of computers is a stream of 1s and 0s—bits. Everything in the computer, be it numbers or text or program, spreadsheet or database or 3-D rendering, is nothing but an array of bits. The meaning of the bits is in the “eye of the beholder”; it is determined entirely by context. Bits are not a useful medium for human consumption. Instead, we insist that what we read be formatted spatially and presented
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◼ 1.掌握Web的基本概念和基础知识。 ◼ 2.熟悉C/S模式与B/S模式的结构。 ◼ 3.了解常用的Web开发工具。 ◼ 4.了解Web开发的基本技术。 ◼ 5. 了解Web 2.0的特点及相关技术。 ◼ 1.1 WEB技术基础知识 ◼ 1.2 WEB基本技术介绍 ◼ 1.3 WEB2.0概述
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一、选择题(共30分) 1(本题3分) 一质点作直线运动,某时刻的瞬时速度v=2m/s,瞬时加速度a=-2m/s2,则一秒钟后质点的速度
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一、作用在流体上的力 二、运动方程 三、N-S方程 四、欧拉方程 五、不可压缩流体稳定层流时的N-S方程若干解
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02-01-05一级考试选择题(S) 1、目前微型计算机所采用的CPU() A)不仅是Intel和与其兼容的CPU B)都是Intel和与其兼容的CPU C)都是Intel公司生产的CPU D)都是Pentium CPU 2、衡量计算机硬件系统的主要性能指标中不包括() A)字长 B)主存容量 C)主频 D)操作系统性能 3、八位无符号二进制整数的最大值对应的十进制数为() A)255B)256C)511D)512
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Inti I. Basic listening practice 1. Script W: Ok. It's your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time M: What? You have a selective memory. You tried to pay last turn, but your credit card failed; so I ended up paying! It's definitely your turn Q: What is true according to the conversation? 2. Script
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Uinta I. Basic listening practice 1. Script M: Did you pick up the paper for me today? i really want to check the job vacancies W: I know, it's over there. There's not much happen though. I had a look already Maybe you should look on the Net instead
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3.3.1简介 3.3.2客户机/服务器结构 3.3.3C/S结构的数据库管理系统 3.3.4C/S结构的数据库系统 3.3.5浏览器/服务器模式 3.3.6分布式数据库体系结构
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