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Structure and Function of Polymer -Morphology observation with SPM Seiko Instruments Inc Observation in the heating process with the air Surface and Interface Information Observation in the inert gas Difficult sample for TEM(Rubber/Rubber blend) Structure
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20.1 The magnetic field and its application 1. The magnetic field and its features Gravitational field FG=mg -gravitational force caused by mass Electric field =gE -electric force caused by electric charge Magnetic field--? While the magnetic field has similarities to the other fields, it also has some unique features that distinguish it from the others
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7.1模拟量输入通道 7.2A/D转换接口技术 7.3D/A转换接口技术
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4.1汇编语言的格式与伪指令 4.2汇编语言程序设计步骤 4.3查表程序设计 4.4循环程序设计 4.5分支程序设计 4.6散转程序设计 4.7数制转换程序设计
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5.1单片机扩展的基本概念 5.2存储器的扩展 5.2I/O接口扩展电路设计
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第3章单片机指令系统 3.1MCS-51指令简介 3.2指令系统
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Supplement Practical Application Issues of Power Semiconductor Devices and d Gate Triggering Control Circuit for Thyristor Rectifiers
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1.5Java程序分类 oJava Application以main()方法作为程序的入口,由Java解释器加载执行。 oJava Applet没有main(方法作为程序入口,通过浏览器中的Java虚拟机(VM)或者 Appletviewer命令加载执行
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The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point System(HACCP)- Guidelines for its Application Principles The HACCP system consists, of the following seven principles: Principle 1 Conduct a hazard analysis. Principle 2 Determine the Critical Control Points(CCPs)
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Handout 19: More about Dual-input describing functions- Limit cycle stability analysis Eric Feron April 16, 2004 Dual-input describing functions for Toggle switch Another servo-motor application
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