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一、基因表达调控的基本概念 二、原核基因调控机制 三、乳糖操纵子 四、色氨酸操纵子 五、其他操纵子 六、转录后水平上的调控
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真核细胞的染色体由()、()和()组成。 DNA复制时需要()将DNA双链解开,靠()维持单链结构
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一、基本概念 二、转录起始:RNA聚合酶、启动子 三、转录的基本过程 四、转录后加工 五、原核生物与真核生物mRNA的特征比较 六、RNA合成与DNA合成异同点
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四、真核生物转录水平上的基因表达调控 五、真核基因转录后水平上的调控
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Adult: the last stage of insects, ontogeny. 成虫昆虫个体发育中的最后一个虫态
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Applications of AFM Biology and Biomaterials Applications of Atomic Force Microscopy for Contact Lens Manufacturing Applications for the Biological Sciences Direct Measurement of single Immunocomplex Formation by Atomic Force Microscopy
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2.1 Overview of the structure of microbial cells 2.2 Procaryotic cell wall 2.3 Cytoplasmic membrane 2.4 Cellular genetic information 2.5 Cytoplasmic matrix- Ribosome and Inclusions 2.6 Components external to the cell wall 2.7 Bacterial endospores
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Restriction enzymes are extensively used in molecular biology. Below are the recognition sites of two of these enzymes, BamHI and Bcll. a)BamHI, cleaves after the first G: 5'GGATCC 3 3 CCTAGG5 Does cleavage by BamHI result in a 5' or 3 overhang? What is the sequence of this overhang?
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