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一、选择题(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) (1)D (2)B (3)B (4)B (5)C (6)D (7)C (8)B (9)D (10)B
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本章主要介绍三维网格曲面的命令及形成方式。 学习命令:二维实体(2D Solid)、三维面(3D Face)、立方盒(Box)、楔形面(Wedge)、棱锥 面(Pyramid)、圆锥面(Cone)、球面 (Sphere)、上半球(Dome)、下半球(Dish)、 圆环面(Torus)、边(Edge)、三维网格面(3D Mesh)、网格密度一(Surftab1)、网格密度二 (Surftab2)、旋转曲面(Revsurf)、平移(行)曲 面(Tabsurf)、直纹(规则)曲面(Rulesurf)、边 界曲面(Edgesurf)等
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本章主要介绍三维实体修改及编辑命令(Solids Editing)。 学习命令:并集(Union)、差集(Subtract)、 交集(Intersect)、拉伸面(Extrude Faces)、移 动面(Move Faces)、偏移面(Offset Faces)、 删除面(Delete Faces)、旋转面(Rotate Faces)、 倾斜面(Taper Faces)、着色面(Color Faces)、 复制面(Copy Faces)、着色边(Color Edges)、 复制边(Copy Edges)、压印(Imprint Body)、 清除(Clean Body)、分割(Separate Body)、抽 壳(Shell Body)、检查(Check Body)、圆角 (Fillet)、倒角(Chamfer)、三维阵列(3D Array)、三维镜像(Mirror 3D)、三维旋转 (Rotate 3D)、对齐(Align)等
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I. Pronunciation (1’x 10) Directions: Choose the word whose pronunciation of the underlined part is the same as that of the given word. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. threat A. writhe B. father C. salty D. toothpaste 2. horrified A. opera B. totally C. extort D. grope 3. sniff A. slip B. collide C. lightning D. deprive
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I. Pronunciation: (0.5’×10) Find the right word from the four choices whose underlined part is similar in pronunciation to the word given. 1. triumph A. critical B. subliminal C. muffin D. violet 2. wondrous A. oneness B. kerosene C. carrot D. coconut 3. sergeant A. cadre B. vacancy C. unfalteringly D. maternity
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Directions: After each of the following words, there are four other words marked A, B, C, and D with some of their letters underlined. Choose the one that has the same pronunciation as the given one. 1. cute A. lump B. chubby C. robust D. venue 2. testify A. youthful B. notify C. royal D. needy
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02-01-05一级考试选择题(G) 1、在计算机上播放VCD采用的是() A)人工智能B)网络技术C)多媒体技术D)数据库技术 2、下列访问速度最快的是() A)硬盘B)光驱C)内存D)寄存器 3、用户可用的内存是在()中。 A)ROM B)RAM c)RoM和RAM D)硬盘
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Outline Reminder about 1-D 1st and 2nd Kind egns Three-D Laplace Problems Interior Neumann Problem Null space issue First Kind Theory for 3-D Laplace Informal Convergence Theory
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1、离心式水泵叶轮进口宽度b1为3.2cm,出口宽度b2为1.7cm,叶轮进口直径D1为17cm,叶 轮出口直径D2为38cm,叶片进口几何角(安装角)β1g为18°,叶片出口几何角β2g=22.5°。 倘若液体径向流入叶轮,在泵转速n为1450r/min时,液体在流道中的流动与叶片弯曲方向 一致,试求叶轮中通过的流量qV(不计叶片厚度)。 答案:解:周向流速u1=πD1n/60=3.14×0.17×1450/60=12.9(m/s)
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A/D转换器(ADC):将模拟量转换为数字量。通常要经过四个步骤: 采样、保持、量化和编码
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