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基因(gene)是细胞内遗传物质的结构和功能单位,它以脱氧核 糖核酸(deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA)化学形式存在于染色体上。在 人类,基因通过生殖细胞从亲代向子代传递。早在 1944 年,Avery 等 用实验的方法就直接证明了 DNA 是生物的遗传物质。1953 年 Watson 和 Crick 在前人的工作基础上
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一、简要解释下列名词概念(30分) 1. Nucleobase: Nucleoside: Nucleotide 2. Transcription; Reverse transcription 3. mRNA. tRNA 4. Genome; Transcriptome: Prote 5. Acidic amino acids: Basic amino acids 6. T-DNA; Organelle dNA 7. Plasmid: Phagemid
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一.填空题(每题选一个最佳答案,每题1分,共20分) 1.DNA的物理图谱是DNA分子的()片段的排列顺序。 2.核酶按底物可划分为()、()两种类型
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一、选择题,选择一个最佳答案(每小题1.5分,共30分) 1.DNA双螺旋结构模型的描述中哪一条不正确: A.腺嘌呤的克分子数等于胸腺嘧啶的克分子数 B.同种生物体不同组织中的DNA碱基组成极为相似 C.DA双螺旋中碱基对位于外侧
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◼ All DNA is recombinant DNA. ◼ Genetic exchange works constantly to blend and rearrange chromosomes, most obviously during meiosis, when homologous chromosomes pair prior to the first nuclear division. ◼ During this pairing, genetic exchange between the chromosomes occurs. This exchange, classically termed crossing over, is one of the results of homologous recombination
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病毒无囊膜,球状,直径25nm,基因组为单分子 线状单股DNA 、猪细小病毒 1致病猪细小病毒病,病猪表现繁殖障碍、呼吸道 症状,严重危害养猪业。易感猪群发病率非常高。 目前只发现一个血清型
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Q1. Prokaryotic cell E. coli consists of a single closed-circular DNA molecule of 4.6 x 106 bp long. This DNA molecule would be 1.6 mm if the double helix is relaxed. Please describe what strategies does E. coli use to pack such a long molecules into its nucleoid less than a micrometer (mm) in diameter. (20 points)
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Q1. Prokaryotic cell E. coli consists of a single closed-circular DNA molecule of 4.6 x 106 bp long. This DNA molecule would be 1.6 mm if the double helix is relaxed. Please describe what strategies does E. coli use to pack such a long molecules into its nucleoid less than a micrometer (mm) in diameter. (20 points)
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Molecular biologists routinely use restriction enzymes as key reagents for a variety of applications including genomic mapping, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, DNA sequencing, and a host of recombinant DNA methodologies. Few
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第一节 核酸的化学组成及其结构 The Chemical Component and Primary Structure of Nucleic Acid 第二节 DNA的分子结构 Dimensional Structure of DNA 第三节 RNA的分子结构 Structure of RNA 第四节 核酸的理化性质 The Physical and Chemical Characters of Nucleic Acid 第五节 核苷酸的代谢 Metabolism of Nucleotides
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