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Applications of Porous Materials Catalys Molecular sIeves Biomedical Application membranes Energy storage http://nano.materials.drexel.edu Degree of Porosity
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§14-4 Damped Vibration& Forced Vibration Resonance 阻尼振动 受迫振动 共振 §14-5 Superposition of two SHM with same Frequency in same Direction 同方向同頻率的简谐振动的合成 §14-6 Superposition of two Perpendicular SHM 相互垂直的简谐振动的合成 §14-3 The Energy of SHM 简谐振动的能量 §14-2 Amplitude Period Frequency & Phase 简谐振动的振幅, 周期,頻率和位相 §14-1 Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) 简谐振动
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§ 12-1 Nonelectrostatic Force Source & Electromotive Force 非静电力 电源 电动势 § 12-2 Faraday’s Law of Induction 电磁感应定律 § 12-3 Motional Electromotive Force 动生电动势 § 12-4 Induced Electric Field 感生电动势 涡旋电场 § 12-5 Self-induction & Mutual-induction 自感和互感 § 12-6 Energy of the Magnetic Field 磁场的能量
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Renewable Energy Networks Grid code sets out requirements for grid interconnection. Most current renewable generation systems are treated as \negative\ load. Future systems MUST contribute to system frequency and voltage control. Grid interconnection usually \makes or breaks\ a project
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Definition PEM is manifested primarily by inadequate dietary intakes of protein and energy. PEM is almost always accompanied by deficiencies of other nutrient. PEM can be divided as primary PEM and secondary PEM
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Definition PEM is manifested primarily by inadequate dietary intakes of protein and energy. PEM is almost always accompanied by deficiencies of other nutrient. PEM can be divided as primary PEM and secondary PEM
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Notes LECTURE Biochemistry 9.17.04 ATP is both a unit of energy currency in a cell and a building block of RNA. Why? It is believed that early in evolution there were very few molecules around. Many key pathways are ancient, and trace their origin to the early stages of evolution of life on Earth. Incidentally, such pathways are usually highly conserved in modern organisms. This is probably because once
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晶体中粒子的结合力和结合能(Universal Feature of Combining Force Combining Energy) 一、什么叫晶体? 通过结晶过程形成的具有规则几何外形 的固体叫晶体。 晶体中的微粒按一定的规则排列
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Electrical Potential Ener and Electric Potentia 17.1 Electrical potential energy and electric potential 1. Electric force is conservative force Coulomb's force:
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Nutrition Basal matabolism Maintain basic physiologic activity Energy Special motility for food digestion peristalsis infant 7%-8% digestion absorption elder children 5%
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