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1 An introduction to biotechnological innovations Industry G. Mijnbeek and C. K. Leach 2 Biocatalyst in organic chemical synthesis R O. Jenkins 3 Efficiency of growth and product formation R.O. Jenkins
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1.试分析下列问题: (1)增大R时,负载线将如何变化?Q点怎样变化?共射极放大电路 (2)增大R时,负载线将如何变化?Q点怎样变化? (3)减小V时,负载线将
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Woodward-Hoffmann Theory R. B. Woodward and R. Hoffmann, The Conservation of Orbital Symmetry, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim, 1970. Frontier Molecular Orbital Theory I. Fleming, Frontier Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions
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1. Why we introduce the concepts of work and energy? F ma CWE theorem r r total = CWE theorem Conservation of energy (More universal) 2. About the systems that we discuss Ignore the size, internal structure, internal motion, deformations, and thermal effects
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Paulings three rules governing the structure of ionic compounds 1. Anion Coordination polyhedron rule Each cation is surrounded by an anion polyhedron, the distance between anion and cation is r=rt tr, while the cn depends on rt/r
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4. Rule for elongation or reduction of R D All R.D. in the region where K1 and K2 makes an obtuse(acute) angle will increase (reduce) its length after twinning
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The lowpass filter H(u) has a cutoff frequency wc=205T rad/ sec. Thus, c(t)is r(t) where all terms with frequency above we are removed by the lowpass filter. The terms which are kept have kwol 205T rad /sec k|< 10.25, so the output, ac(t),is r(t)= To obtain n, we sample c(t) every T=5 10-3 seconds with an impulse train The sampling frequency is 400T=2 x maximum frequency in c(t). Therefore
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矩阵的初等变换 矩阵的初等变换是线性代数中一个重要的工具以下三种变换分别称为矩阵的第一、第、第三种初等变换: (i)对换矩阵中第i,j两行(列)的位置,记作r(c,)或rr(c (i)用非零常数k乘第i行(列),记作kr;(kc) (ii)将矩阵的第j行(列)乘以常数k后加到第i行 (列)对应元素上去,记作r+kr,(c,+kc,)
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一、单项选择:(将正确的选项填入括号内,总分18分,每小题三分) 1.在图一电路中,已知u=15V,R=10Q2,R1两端能承受的最大电压为5V,求 A.B两点间至少串联一个多大的电阻才能正常工作。()
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12-3理想气体的压强公式 一、理想气体的微观模型 (1)分子可视为质点;线度d≈10-10m间距r≈10m,d<
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