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13.1 Conformal Mapping: Cauchy's Theorem (保角映射:柯西定理) Recall Stability Problem: To determine the relative stability of a closed-loop system we must investigate the characteristic equation of the system
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6. Quality Assurance 6.1 Comprehensive QA system 6.1.1 The company must have a comprehensive system of quality assurance and monitoring, to ensure the consistent production of safe, legal product in compliance with the agreed specification
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4.1 Introduction 4.2 Root Locus Concept 4.3 The Root Locus Construction Procedure for General System 4.4 The zero-angle (negative) root locus
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Motional pathway of embolus: Embolus from left heart cavity or arterial system Embolus from right heart cavity or venous system Embolus from portal veins Paradoxical embolism Retrograde ethrombus
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Codes in binary system BCD codes: for decimal digit Gray code: for numbers in binary system; AsCIi code: for characters ey point Use n bits. we can make 2n different words: To make n code-words. you must use logn bits
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Birth-and-Death Queuing Systems 1. m parallel, identical servers. 2. Infinite queue capacity. 3. Whenever users are in system (in queue plus in service) arrivals are Poisson at rate of an per unit of time. 4. Whenever n users are in system, service completions are Poisson at rate of un per unit of time. 5. FCFS discipline
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山东大学:《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,人体生理学 Human Physiology)Chapter 10 Nervous System part 5 Regulation of the Visceral Function by the Nervous System
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山东大学:《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,人体生理学 Human Physiology)Chapter 10 Nervous System part 4 Motor Functions of the Nervous System
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山东大学:《医学生理学 Medical Physiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿,人体生理学 Human Physiology)Chapter 10 Nervous System part 3 Function of the Nervous System
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§1 Blood coagulation Blood coagulatlon system Blood platelet §2 Anticoagulation 1. Cell reticuloendothelial system 2. Body fluid (1) antithrombin Ⅲ (AT-Ⅲ,liver): (2) Protein C (3) tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) §3 Fibrinolysis • 组成:纤维蛋白溶酶原、纤溶酶、纤溶酶原激活物与纤溶抑制物。 • 作用:使生理止血过程中所产生的局部或一过性的纤维蛋白凝块能随时溶解,从而防止血栓形成,保证血流通畅;参与组织修复、血管再生。 §4 Vascular endothelial cells VEC正常时不表达TF; VEC可生成PGI2、NO及ADP酶等物质,扩张血管、抑制血小板的活化、聚集等; VEC可产生或促进tPA、uPA等纤溶酶原激活物,促进纤溶过程; VEC的抗凝作用 • 产生TFPI、表达TM、肝素样物质
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