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6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 8.1 Slide 8.1.1 Review: data abstraction In this lecture we are going to introduce a new data type, a data abstraction consists of: specifically to deal with symbols. This may sound a bit odd, but
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一、单项选择题 1.在我国,人民币的发行权属于( )。 A.中华人民共和国财政部 B.中国人民银行 C.中国工商银行 D.中国银行
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6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 10.1 Slide 1o.1.1 Table: a set of bindings Over the past few lectures, we have introduced the concepts of data abstractions, types and aggregate structures. In this lecture
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Slide 15.1.1 Why do we need an interpreter? Our goal over the next few lectures is to build an interpreter which in a very basic sense is the ultimate in programming, since doing so will allow us to define our language
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1.苍术: 燥湿健脾,祛风湿 A.湿阻中焦证。本品芳香燥烈,善燥脾湿,为治湿胜中焦要药。 B.风湿痹证(对痹证湿胜者尤宜)
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1.大黄: 泻下攻积,清热泻火,解毒,活血祛瘀。 A.大便秘结,胃肠积滞(积滞便秘之要药)尤适于热结便秘之证
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Slide 12.1.1 In the last lecture, we introduced mutation as a component of 6001s|cP our data structures We saw for example that set was a Environment mode way of changing the value associated with a variable in our system, and we saw that set-car! and set-cdr! were ways of changing the values of parts of list structure Now, several important things happened when we introduced
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第八章 矩阵位移法(参考答案) 1、(O) 2、(X) 3、(O) 4、(X) 5、(X) 6、(O) 7、(O) 8、(X) 9、(O) 10、(O) 11、(A)
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一、判断题: 1、图示结构MC影响线已作出如图(a)所示,其中竖标Ey表示 P = 1 在 E 时,C 截面的弯矩值
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6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Copyright o 2004 by Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.001 Notes: Section 11.1 Slide ll1.1 Elements of a Data Abstraction For the past few lectures, we have been exploring the topic of data abstractions, and their role in modularizing complex
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