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Pili and fimbriae G short, fine, hairlike appendages that are not involved in motility Fimbriae/fimbria: 1000piece/cell, adhesion to host epithelium Sex pill/pilus: 1-10piece/celly sexual conjugation, they are genetically determined by sex factors or conjugative plasmids and are required for bacterial mating Receptors of some bacterial viruses
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Oxidative phosphorylation occurs at cell membrane since there are no mitochondria) Cell wall Cytoplasm Cell membrane The cell wall is outside of cell membrane -rigid, protecting cell from osmotic lysis
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Isolation of pure cultures the growth curve Measurement of microbial growth The continuous culture of microorganisms
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《微生物生物学》课程教学资源(书籍文献)World of Microbiology and Immunology,Brigham Narins, Editor,Volumes 1 and 2 A-Z
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《微生物生物学》课程教学资源(书籍文献)Microbial Physiology,Fourth Edition,Albert G. Moat、John W. Foster、Michael P. Spector
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《微生物生物学》课程教学资源(书籍文献)Mcgrawhill - Laboratory Exercises In Microbiology,fifth edition,Harley Prescott
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《微生物生物学》课程教学资源(书籍文献)Biosafety In Microbiology And Biomedical Laboratory,Fourth Edition April,999
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《微生物生物学》课程教学资源(书籍文献)Atkinson, Wolf - Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine Preventable Diseases 9th Ed
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