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第二章多元函数 2-3习题讨论 23-1讨论题 23-2参考解答 习题讨论 题目 )设xn,yn∈R\,且 limx=x, lim y=y,证明 lim(,,,)=(,y) (2)函数f(x,y)=(,列在R\×R\中连续 (二)在长方体T内任取一点M0,是否一定存在一张过点M的平 面∏I,将该长方体恰分成两等份 (三)设集合A,BCR”,证明
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第五章向量分析 第二十讲 Stokes公式 5-5-1 Stokes公式 5-5-2旋度及其物理意义 课后作业: 阅读:第五章第五节: Gauss公式和 Stokes公式pp.173--181 预习:第五章第六节:无源场和保守场pp.182-187 作业:习题5:pp181-182:11),(3),(5),(7);2;33);4,(1);5:6. 5-5 Stokes公式 本节专门讨论空间向量场 F(x,y, =)=X(x,y, =)i+Y(x, y, s)j+Z(x,y, =k 5-5-1 Stokes公式
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[选择题] 容易题1—60,中等题61—105,难题106—122 1.设I= dx ,则=() cos2xvtanx-1 (A). d tanx 1 =(tanx-1)2+: √tanx-1 2 ().tar +C; √tanx-1 (C).2(tanx-1)2+C (d).--(tanx-1)2+C. 答C
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Ph. D Majored in Networking System, I swear. My Buddha almighty Vocabulary Fundamental 1000 Vocabulary Foundamental. doc Vocabulary 5000 See Directory: Crack English for graduated Students english for guraduate studentI Vocabulary 10000
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主要内容: 1、I/O端口及其编址方式 2、简单接口芯片及其应用 3、基本输入输出方法 4、中断的基本概念及工作过程 5、中断控制器8259
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Book 4 Teaching Plan Unit 1 TextA Who Is Great Text B How to Be a Leader I. teaching purpose and requirement A. understand the main idea and structure of the texts Text A main idea a. Who is great? \Someone who has made lasting contribution to human civilization is great\. b. the common characteristics the great achiever shave ------an unrelenting drive to succeed (Greatness is built upon tremendous amounts of study
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绪论 一、单片机的概念 全称为“单片微型计算机”,简称为“单片机”、“单 片微机”或“微控制器”。 在一块半导体芯片上集成有CPU、ROM、RAM、 I/O接口、定时器/计数器、中断系统等功能部件,构成了完整的数字电子计算机。 片内甚至还集成有HSI/O、A/D、电压比较器等功 能部件
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主要内容 1、扩展三总线的产生 2、扩展程序存储器 3、扩展数据存储器 4、简单并行I/O口的扩展 5、扩展8155可编程 外围并行接口芯片
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Plan .Introduction Brief recall of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics .Molecular dynamics method (MD) .Monte Carlo method (MC) .Illustration of a few applications of MD and MC in the research works carried out in our laboratory .Tutorials on MD and MC
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ENGINEERING ECONOMICS I TO INVEST, OR NOT TO INVEST, THAT IS THE QUESTION. (With apologies to William Shakespeare) Given one or more potential projects, how do we decide in which to invest, if any? What criteria do we use to evaluate potential projects?
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