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一、固体废物、来源及分类 1.定义:“放在错误地点的原料” 2.来源及分类:
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• Observation (general situation) • The legal system • Characteristics • From project EIA to Planning EIA • EIA storming
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一、物理学对科学技术的推动 二、对物理学地位的认识 三、物理学背景与可持续发展 四、尽快适应两大转变
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一、可持续发展问题 二、世界新的政治地理格局中的人地关系 三、文化景观研究与文化景观建设
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LECTURE18 Human Disruption and Ecological Restoration Human impacts The ways of human disruption of ecosystems: ecosysten -Over-hunting, overharvesting, overgrazing etc. -Deforestation, Pollution, Cultural reasons
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• 土地的基本概念 • 土地可持续发展 • 土地管理的基本概念
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Introduction(Growth versus Development) .Sustainable Development(SD) -an ambiguous term, composing of words that are contradictory to each other Sustainable\ -call for ecological and social transformation, a world of healthy environments and social justice .\Development\
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NETWORK ECONOMIES Business network bamboo\network smuggling human trafficking chamber of commerce, untary- loca rotary, country club, etc Compulsory-belong to an organization. to survive or operate successfully e.g. accountant, bankers. Concept of networks ocially b inding ties hetween actors Global tribes- combination of ethnic
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This socio-economic growth, together with the rapid expansion of Hong Kong's port and airport facilities and increase in cross boundary traffic, have placed tremendous demands on transport
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