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A Theory of Customary International Law Jackl. Goldsmithand eric A. Posner*e Customary international law (\CIL\)is one of two primary forms of international law, the other being the treaty. CIL is typically defined as a\customary practice of states followed from a sense of legal obligation. \1 Conventional wisdom views CiL as a unitary phenomenon that pervades
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Definition A real-valued function V: X H R defined on state space X of a system with behavior set B and state r:B×[0,∞)→ X is called a Lyapunov function if tHv(t)=v(a(t))=v(a(z(), t)) is a non-increasing function of time for every z E B according to this definition, Lyapunov
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A real, an imaginary, or a complex forcing function will produce a real, an imaginary, or complex response, respectively. Instead of applying a real forcing function to obtain the desired real response, we apply a complex forcing function whose real part is the given real forcing function; we obtain a complex response whose real part is the desired real response
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Intensive Study There's a Lot More to Life than a Job Para.1 It has often been remarked that the saddest thing about youth is that it is wasted on the young. Para. 2 Reading a survey report on first-year college students, I recalled the regret, \If only knew then what know now
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In this lecture, we consider the motion of a 3D rigid body. We shall see that in the general three dimensional case, the angular velocity of the body can change in magnitude as well as in direction, and, as a consequence, the motion is considerably more complicated than that in two dimensions. Rotation About a Fixed Point We consider first the simplified situation in which the 3D body moves in such a way that there is always a point, O, which is fixed. It is clear that, in this case, the path of any point in the rigid body which is at a
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Exercises 4(280) 1.Create a Text class that contains a string object to hold the text of a file. Give it two constructors: a default constructor and a constructor that takes a string argument that is the name of the file to open. When the second constructor is used, open the file and read the contents into the string
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定理假设函数x)在区间[a,b]上连续,函数x=()满 足条件:(1)o(a)=a,以B)=b;(2)∞(1)在[a,(或B,a)上具 有连续导数,且其值域不越出[a,b],则有
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1预备知识:上极限和下极限 对于一个有界数列{an},去掉他的最初k项以后,剩下来的依旧是一个有界数列,记 B=sup{a4+,a+2…} a4=inf{(a4+,a+2,…} 显然,数列{}是单调减少的,{a}是单调增加的,所以这两个数列的极限存在
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That streams of electrons possess the properties of beams of waves was dis- covered early in 1927 in a large industrial laboratory in the midst of a great city, and in a small university laboratory overlooking a cold and desolate sea. The coincidence seems the more striking when one remembers that facil- ities for making this discovery had been in constant use in laboratories throughout the world for more than a quarter of a century. And yet the coincidence was not, in fact, in any way remarkable. Discoveries in physics are made when the time for making them is ripe, and not before; the stage is set, the time is ripe, and the event occurs-more often than not at widely separated places at almost the same moment
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1. The ownership structure of a business includes the following forms: A. Individual, group, corporate. B. Sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation D. Debtors, creditors, and ownesancia C. Service, manufacturing, and financial. 2. Which of the following is NOT true concerning a sole proprietorship? A. A sole proprietorship is a company
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