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一、两向量的数量积 实例一物体在常力F作用下沿直线从点M移动 到点M,,以5表示位移,则力F所作的功为 || coS0其中0为F与的夹角) 启示两向量作这样的运算,结果是一个数量. 定义向量a与b的数量积为b b= cos0(其中为与b的夹角)
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pH of a buffer and buffer capacity Example: For a buffer solution consisting of 0. 1 M acetic acid and o1M sodium acetate the ph of the solution is 4.75 HAc= i If an amount of hydrochloric acid equivalent to 10% of the acetate present, is added to the buffer, what is the new pH of the solution?
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Problem 1. Sammy the Shark is a financial service provider who offers loans on the fol lowing terms. Sammy loans a client m dollars in the morning This puts the client m dollars in debt to Sammy. Each evening, Sammy first charges\service fee\, which increases the client's debt by f dollars, and then Sammy charges interest, which multiplies the debt by a factor
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THE CELL WALL Before traversing the plasma membrane(p. m., ions must first cross the cell wall and contact the p. m the bulk flow of soil solution coul theoretically carry inorganic ions into the cell wall and through the apoplastic pathway. The thickness of a cell wall is in the range of 500 to 1000 nm. It is porous
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1.判断下面哪些是不合法的标识符?请指出错误。 A_var 2_test char # total _book.c 2.举例说明字符常量和字符串常量有何区别? 3.求下列表达式的值 (1)int e=1,f=4,g=2; float m=10.5,n=4.0,k; k=(e+f)/g+sqrt((double)n)*1.2/g+m (2)float x=2.5,y=4.7; int a=7;
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Evaporation and sputter deposition [15] 1. a)In the plasma of a sputter deposition system, consider an argon atom that is ionized during a collision in the plasma. i) Express the ratio of the acceleration of the liberated electron to that of the argon ion in terms of M and m, the mass of the ion and electron; give the numerical value of this ratio, and say in which
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第七章刚体的简单运动 7.1已知OA=0.1m,R=0.1m,角速度w=4rad/s; 求导杆BC的运动规律以及 y 当=30°时BC杆的速度v和加速 度a。 解BC杆直线平动,用点O1
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运动的机制: 地球作为一个旋转球体,应服从角动量守 恒定律,即: C=Io I为转动惯量;a为自转角速度;C为角动 量,为常数 I=MR2 R为地球半径;M为地球质量,M不变 V=RV为线速度 C=MVR
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1.1.将布洛赫函数中的调制因子k(r)展成付里叶级数,对于近自由电子,当电子波矢远 离和在布里渊区边界上两种情况下,此级数有何特点?在紧束缚模型下,此级数又有什么特 点? 解答 由布洛赫定理可知,晶体中电子的波函数 :(r)=e uk() 对比本教科书(5.1)和(5.39)式可得 (r)= m -a()\ 对于近自由电子,当电子波矢远离布里渊区边界时它的行为与自由电子近似,“()近似 一常数.因此,k(r)的展开式中,除了a(0)外,其它项可忽略 当电子波矢落在与倒格矢Kn正交的布里渊区边界时,与布里渊区边界平行的晶面族对 布洛赫波产生了强烈的反射,“k(r)展开式中
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