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2.1 The Microbiological Laboratories Isolation of organisms for new products normally does not occur in laboratories associated with production cultures, however, production (mi￾crobiological) laboratories frequently do mutation and isolation work to produce strains with higher yields, to suppress a by-product, to reduce the formation of a surfactant, to change the physical properties of the broth to facilitate the product recovery
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Responsible for reliable transmission of packets over a link – Framing: Determine t he star t and end of packets (sec 2.5) – Error Detection: Determine w hen a packet contains errors (sec 2.3) – Error recovery: Retransmissio n of packets containing errors (sec 2..4)
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内容提要: 5-1MC-51单片机最小系统 5-2存储器的扩展 5-3并行/0端口的扩展方法 5-4可编程并行接口芯片8255A 5-5可编程并行接口芯片8155 5-6常用通道配置与接口技术 5-7DA转换 5-8A/D转换
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一、选择题:(共 24 分) 1. 如题 7-1-1 图,两块面积均为 S 的金属平板 A 和 B 彼此平行放置,板间距离为 d(d 远小 于板的线度),设 A 板带电量 q1,B 板带电量 q2,则 AB 两板间的电势差为( )
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一、选择题(共 30 分) 1. 在单缝夫琅禾费衍射实验中波长为 λ 的单色光垂直入射到单缝上.对应于衍射角为 30° 的方向上,若单缝处波面可分成 3 个半波带,则缝宽度 a 等于( ) (A)λ. (B)1.5λ. (C)2λ. (D)3λ.
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一、填空题(满分15分) 1.已知P(B)=0.3,P(AB)=0.7,且A与B相互独立,则P(A)= 学 2.设随机变量X服从参数为二项分布,且P{X=0}=,则p= 号: 3.设X~N(3,02),且PX<0}=0.1,则P{3
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Random Variables and Probability Densities We assume that the reader is familiar with the most basic of facts concerning continuous random variables or is willing to settle for the following sketchy description. Samples from a (univariate or multivariate) experiment can be histogrammed either in practice or as a thought experiment. Histogramming counts
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1.与法律相比,道德在调控人与人、人与社会以及人与自然之间的各种关系时,它的()。 A.时效性差 B.作用力弱 C.操作性强 D.适用范围大 2.从业人员要做到公平公正,应()。 A.按原则办事 B.见机行事 C.不惧权势 D.不徇私情
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1.爱岗敬业的具体要求是()。 A.树立职业理想 B.强化职业责任 C.提高职业技能 D.抓住择业机遇 2.坚持办事公道,必须做到()。 A.坚持真理 B.自我牺牲 C.舍己为人 D.光明磊落
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一、单项选择题 1.管理费用、营业费用和财务费用属于( ) A.生产成本 B.直接费用 C.间接费用 D.期间费用 2.一定期间生产产品所发生的直接费用和间接费用的总和为( ) A.生产成本 B.直接费用 C.间接费用 D.期间费用
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