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Section A The Temptation of a Respectavle Woman Section B The Obligations and Responsibilitise to marriage Section C The Positive Meanings of Love
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Section A Five Famous Symbols of American Culture Section B Engelbreit's the Name,Cute is My Game Section C Life in Low-Grade Terror
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Section A Studying Abroad Section B Ecperiences in Exile Section C My First Day Abroad
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Section A How to Make a Good Impression Section B Body Language Section C Gestures
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I. Word Study II. Phrases and Expressions III.Word Building IV. Grammar
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延安大学:《英语电影赏析》课程PPT教学课件_chapter4 影视鉴赏的角度
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4.1 Punctuation Read the following text. Decide where to add punctuation and to start new paragrap You'll also need to add some Capital Letters om human resources manager date 15 September subject ov erseas
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In this part, you'll Learn about the“4Ps”and“4Cs”of marketing. Look at some familiar products and how they are marketed Promote a product with what you learned about marketing
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Teaching points I. Background information II. Introduction to the passage III. Text analysis IV rhetorical devices V. Questions for discussion
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• Learn some frequently used patterns in posters • Familiarize students with formats and patterns of posters • Familiarize students with the basic features of posters
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