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1. 化学热力学的体系与状态 2. 热力学第一定律 3. 热化学 4. 热力学第二定律
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Alderfer's ERG Theory Core needs are existence, relatedness and growth Existence- provision of basic material requirements Relatedness-desire for relationships Growth -desire for personal development More than one need can be operative at the same time
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There are two basic methods of generating process manufacturing gear teeth,the generating process and the forming forming process process. When a gear tooth is generated, the workpiece and the grinding cutting or grinding tool are in continuous mesh and the tooth form is mesh
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一、填空 1、所谓BIOS,实际上就是 Basic Input Output System的简称,译为,其内容集成在微机主板上的一个ROM芯片上
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§16-1 配合物的基本概念 The Basic Concepts of Complexes §16-2 配位化合物的同分异构现象 The Isomerism of Complexes §16-3 配合物的化学键理论 The ChemicalBond Theories of Complexes §16-4 配位平衡及配合物的稳定性 Coordination Equilibrium and Stabilization of Complexes
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Lead-in activities What is ethics in our country? Honesty and modest are two basic ethics in our country. A society with ethics is a society with prosperity, so is business. 2. By far, which country is the relatively clear country in the world? Why? Singapore. two possible reasons: near-perfect welfare system; high salary for all the working people
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Introduction A Brief History of CACSD Technological Developments. User Interfaces. CACSD Packages of Note 112. 3 The State of the Art in CACSD Consolidation of CACSD. A critique of Matrix Environments for C. Magnus Rimvall CACSD·“ Open Systems\· Other Desirable Features 112.4 CACSD Block-Diagram Tools Christopher P Jobling Basic Block-Diagram System Representations. Architectures of Block-Diagram Syster
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1. Introduction This section discusses the legal protection of information and the security issues of computer data and electronic information systems and is organised into four parts: First, it focuses briefly on the basic conceptual distinction between information and data, providing a basis of understanding of the primary object of legal and technical means of protection. Second, access to Government information will be discussed
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§1-1 热力系统 Thermodynamic system §1-2 状态和状态参数 §1-3 基本状态参数 §1-4 平衡状态Equilibrium state §1-5 状态方程、坐标图 §1-6 准静态过程、可逆过程 §1-8 热量与熵Heat and Entropy §1-7 功 量 Work
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本章研究方法与静电场非常相似,应有意识地对比。 常用的数学知识:①矢量叉乘②微积分(定积分) 引言:基本磁现象( Basic magnetic phenomena)
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