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Microbial molecular biology and genetics A clone: a population of cells that are derived asexually from a parental cell and are genetically identical. Genome: all the genes present in cell or virus. Central dogma:dna→rna→ protein transcription translation
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第一节菌种的衰退和复壮 一、菌种的衰退 二、菌种的复壮 第二节菌种的保藏 一、菌种保藏的目的 二、菌种保藏的原理 三、菌种保藏的方法
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7.1 An overview of metabolism Metabolism may be divided into two major parts: catabolism and anabolism. Catabolism: larger and more Waste products complex molecules are broken Nutrients Biosynthesis down into smaller, simpler Energy molecules with the release of for growth energy
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Related concepts Aspecies: a collection of strains that have a similar G+C composotion and 70% or greater similarity as judged by DNA hybridization experiments. biovars: variant procaryotic strains characterized by biochemical or physiological differences. Morphovars: differ morphologically Serovars: have distinctive antigenic properties
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细胞生物学_细胞培养基本技术 课件
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一、实验目的 1. 学习胰蛋白酶的纯化及其结晶的基本方法。 2. 学习用紫外法测定酶活性,搞清酶活性与比活性的概念
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一、实验目的 1. 了解生物化学中典型的血红蛋白的性质和结构以及结合在蛋白上的辅基的作用。 2. 学习一种生物无机生化科研中常用的为金属酶和蛋白质代换金属离子的方法。 3. 学习快速扫描分光光度计的使用及紫外可见吸收光谱的应用
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