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If a positive current is flowing into the(+) end of the current coil while the(+) terminal of the voltage coil is positive with respect to the unmarked end, an upscale reading is obtained
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parameters equivalents admittance parameters. They parameter equivalents matrix form:
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are parameters The matrix from of parameter equations:
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the open-circuit reverse voltage gainthe open-circuit transfer admittancethe short-circuit transfer impedancethe short-circuit reverse current gain
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current of one port into the voltage of the otherport and vice verse. U1 =-ais \2 =ai..gyration constant
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Any periodic waveform f(t)f(t) can be expressed by a Fourier series provided that (1) If it is discontinuous, there are only a finite number of discontinuous in the period T (2)It has a finite average value over the period T (3)It has a finite number of positive and negative maximums in the period T
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1.A functionf(t) is said to be even iff(t)=(-t). They are symmetrical with respect to the vertical axis. (bn=0)
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14-5 Waveform synthesis Synthesis is a combination of so as form a whole
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We consider each term of the Fourier aeries representing the voltage as a single source. The equivalent impedance of the network at no is used to compute the current at that harmonic. XL(n) =noL and XC() =-1/noC The sum of these individual responses is the total response i
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The two-sided or bilateral Laplace transform The one-sided Laplace transform or direct Laplace transform
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