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1. Rise of Intra-industry Trade 2. Increase in Trade among Industrialized Countries
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《国际贸易 International Trade》(双语版)Chapter 4 Economic Growth and Trade
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香蕉原产于东南亚,十五世纪传到南美洲,现已成为国际性果品。全球种植面积约7000万亩,亩产900 公斤,年产4000万吨。就水果而言,种植面积经次于葡萄、柑橙,居第三位。国际贸易金额居全球第三, 贸易量居第一
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第一节 国际技术贸易的方式与程序 第二节 国际技术贸易的财务可行性分析 第三节 国际技术贸易的价格决策 第四节 国际技术贸易的支付方式的选择
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•Founders •Basic Assumptions •Basis for trade •Pattern of production and trade •Gain from trade
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1. What is international trade about? The gains from trade(贸易所得) The pattern of trade(贸易格局) The effects of trade(贸易福利效应) Balance between liberalism and protectionism(贸易政策的决策) 2. The basic conceptions of IT
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Chapter 2 Basic Analytical Tools 1. General Equilibrium Analysis一般均衡法 1) GEA means analyzing two or more than two related markets at the same time(eg. Export Market and Import Market, Goods Market and Factor Market) 2) We usually use the PPF and CICas the basic tools in the general equilibrium analysis of international trade
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本章将用贸易政治经济学(Political Economics of Trade)的方法分析社会各利益集团 (community interesting groups) 通过博弈影 响一国贸易政策的决策和实施
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Import Substituting Industrialization Strategic Trade Policy Export-oriented Industrialization
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