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《大学英语 2》课程基本信息 《大学英语 2》教学进度计划表 第 一 周 Unit 1 Ways of Learning 预习课文 第 二 周 Unit 1 Ways of Learning Unit 2 Values 复述课文 听写 第 三 周 Unit 2 Values 作文 第 四 周 Unit 3 The Generation Gap 预习课文 第 五 周 Unit 3 The Generation Gap Unit 4 The Virtual World 复述课文 听写 第 六 周 Unit 4 The Virtual World 作文 讨论 第 七 周 Mid-Term Revision 预习课文 第 八 周 Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles 复述课文 听写 第 九 周 Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles Unit 6 Women, Half the Sky 作文 第 十 周 Unit 6 Women, Half the Sky 预习课文 第 十 一 周 Unit 7 Learning about English 复述课文 翻译 第 十 二 周 Unit 7 Learning about English Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment 讨论 第 十 三 周 Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment 第 十 四 周 General Revision 第 十 五 周 General Revision
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Key to the Test a (Band Il, June, 2004) Part I Listening Comprehension Section a (10%) 1.D,2.A;3.D,4A;5.B,6.C;7.B;8.C;9A;10.B Section B (5%) 11.A;12.B,13.B;14C;15.D SectionC (5%) 16. phone number 17. information 18 explain quietly 20. make sure
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I. Reading Comprehension 40 Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. 10 Tas rections: fier reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered I through5. For each
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1 What Is Economics 2 Needs and Wants 3 Supply and Demand 4 Consumer Market In China   5 What Is International Business? 6 Brief History of Business 7 Business Environment 8 What is Production 9 Factors of Production 10 Product Life Cycle 11 PRODUCT ADAPTATION AND PRESENTATION 12 PRODUCT PACKAGING AND LABELING   13 INTERNATIONAL MARKET RESEARCH 14 MARKET SELECTION 15 FREE TRADE 16 TARIFF BARRIER 17 Non-Tariff Barrier 18 Trade Fairs   19 The World Trade Organization   20 What is Exporting 21 Export Procedure 22 Export Product   23 Export Marketing 24 Export Marking 25 Export Communications 26 Export Documentation 27 Export Contract 28 Export Pricing 29 Money 30 The Story of Banking   31 Documentary Collection 32 Documentary Credit 33 The Story of Transport 34 Ocean Freight 35 Air Transport 36 The Story of Insurance
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Unit 1 Talking About Learning English Unit 2 Greetings and Introductions Unit 3 Opening and Closing a Conversation Unit 4 Time and Appointment Unit 5 Making Telephone Unit 6 Going to a Party Unit 7 A Job Interview Unit 8 Gratitude And Thanks Unit 9 Apologies and Excuses Unit 10 Anger and Annoyance Unit 11 Compliments
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Unit 1 Text A Who Is Great Text B How to Be a Leader Unit 2 Text A The Gratitude We Need Text B Why Manners Matter Unit 3 Text A How To Chang Your Point Of View ? Text B Lateral and Vertical Thinking Unit 4 Text A How to Become Gifted Text B The Truth About College Teachers Unit 5 Text A Prison Studies Text B Reading for Life Unit 6 Text A : The EQ Factor Text B : What’s Your Emotional IQ?
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Test for New Integrated English Band I(1-A) Key to Test for New Integrated English Part I Listening comprehension Section A 1-5 BDABD 6-10 BCADO Section B 11-15 DDBDA Section C 16.I decided to test it 17. walked in the front door
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Ⅱ. Listening skills 1-12-a3-f4b5-c6-d7-h 9 III. Listening In Task 1: The Influence of Advertising Richard: Dad. I a pair of new shoes for an important basketball game. My old ones look
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Uint IL. Basic Listening Practice 1. Script W: Did you see the paper today? There was an earthquake in brazil M: Yes, but it only measured 3. 5 on the Richter scale. I dont think there were any casualties
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报考专业:国际金融考试科目:国际金融 说明:用英语命题和答题 attention all questions must be answered in english 1. explain the following term 30 points) (1)joint intervention (2)hultiple currency reserve system (3) free convertibility (4)exchange equalization fund (5) spot exchange dealings (6) international liquidi (7) interest rate swap
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