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Creative Minds The following passage will tell you about some inventions made by people in different countries. Listen carefully and match the inventions with the places where these things first came from. Inventions Places
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Words and Phrases Section A: Here are some announcements broadcast at some airports. Listen carefully to each announcement and pay special attention to flight numbers, departure times and boarding gate numbers. Write down in the correct space. Airlines Destination Flight No. Departure Boarding Time Gate
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Words and Phrases Listen to some predictions some people have made about the business world in the next 20 years or so. Add missing words to the following statements. Tape 1. There’ll be no more ___________, and businesses will only use ________________
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You are going to hear some sentences telling you the 12 most populous countries in the world. Listen carefully and supply the missing information. Pay special attention to the numbers
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Section A Words & Phrases Here are some statements of some superlative world geographical statistics. Listen carefully and complete the following chart. Pay special attention to the numbers Geographical feature Location Size
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Time Events 1. In the 1830s a. first radio program broadcasting 2. On Aug. 5th, 1858 b. two coasts of the U.S. shown on TV at the same time
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Part I Warming Up A Words and Phrases You are going to hear some important dates in email history. Supply the missing dates and words Great Dates in Email History Date: ________________________ Leonard Kleinrock, a UCLA computer science professor, sends the ___________________to a colleague
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信阳师范大学(信阳师范学院):《混凝土结构设计原理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第十章 预应力混凝土构件
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信阳师范大学(信阳师范学院):《混凝土结构设计原理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第九章 钢筋混凝土构件的变形与裂缝验算
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信阳师范大学(信阳师范学院):《混凝土结构设计原理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第八章 受扭构建承载力计算
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