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湖北师范学院:《英语视听》(英文版)Unit 5 Colorful Lands, Colorful People

You are going to hear some sentences telling you the 12 most populous countries in the world. Listen carefully and supply the missing information. Pay special attention to the numbers.

Unit5 Colorful Lands, Colorful People

Colorful Lands, Colorful People (II)

Part I Warming Up w< Section A Words and Phrases 4 You are going to hear some sentences telling you the 12 most populous countries in the world. Listen carefully and supply the missing information. Pay special attention to the numbers Country Population Country Population 1. China 1,2437380002 India 955,220000 43. the United States 267, 901,000<4.Indonesia 199867,000 5.Brazil 159884,000 46. Russia federation 147, 105,000 407. Pakistan 138, 150,000_8. Japan 125,638,000 19. Bangladesh 122, 013,000 410.Ni 1gerla 118369,000 11. Mexico 96,400,000 412. germany82071000

Part I Warming Up You are going to hear some sentences telling you the 12 most populous countries in the world. Listen carefully and supply the missing information. Pay special attention to the numbers. Section A Words and Phrases Country Population Country Population 1. China __________________ 2. India _____________________ 3. the United States _____________ 4. Indonesia _____________________ 5. Brazil __________________ 6. Russia Federation _______________ 7. Pakistan __________________ 8. Japan _____________________ 9. Bangladesh __________________ 10. Nigeria _____________________ 11. Mexico __________________ 12. Germany _____________________ 1,243,738,000 955,220,000 267,901,000 199,867,000 159,884,000 147,105,000 138,150,000 125,638,000 122,013,000 118,369,000 96,400,000 82,071,000

Part I Warming Up Section B Words and Phrases 0 In the following passage you are going to hear the names of some languages and the numbers of native speakers of these languages. Listen carefully and fill in the missing languages and numbers. <e Languages Speakers Languages Speakers Mixed 1. Chinese 1.1,300mi 6. Portuguese 6.170mi. 11. Korean 2. Spanish 2.32mi-‖17.Rusa 7.170mi 11.75mi. 3. Englis 8. Japanese. 125 mi 4. Bengali 4.189mi 9. German 9.98mi 12. French 5. Hind 5.182mi 10. Javanese 10.755mi 12.72

Part I Warming Up Section B Words and Phrases In the following passage you are going to hear the names of some languages and the numbers of native speakers of these languages. Listen carefully and fill in the missing languages and numbers. 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. Bengali 5. Hindi 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. Portuguese 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. Javanese 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________ Languages Speakers Languages Speakers Mixed 11. ________ 11. ________ 12. ________ 12. ________ Chinese 1,300 mi. Spanish 332 mi. English 322 mi. 189 mi. 182 mi. Russia 170 mi. 170 mi. Japanese 125 mi. German 98 mi. 75.5 mi Korean 75 mi. French 72 mi

Part I Warming Up Section B Words and Phrases 0 In the following passage you are going to hear the names of some languages and the numbers of native speakers of these languages. listen carefully and fill in the missing languages and numbers. < e 4 (Languages Speakers Languages Speakers Mixed 13. vietnamese 13.67mi 18. Urdu 18.58m 14. Telugu 19. Gujarati 19.44mi 15. Marth 20.44mi. 16. Tamil 16.63mi 21. Arabic 21.42.5mi. 17. Turkish 17 22. Ukrainian 22. 41 mi

13. ________ 14. Telugu 15. Marathi 16. Tamil 17. ________ 13. ________ 14. ________ 15. ________ 16. ________ 17. ________ 18. Urdu 19. Gujarati 20. ________ 21. ________ 22. Ukrainian 18. ________ 19. ________ 20. ________ 21. ________ 22. ________ Languages Speakers Languages Speakers Mixed Part I Warming Up Section B Words and Phrases In the following passage you are going to hear the names of some languages and the numbers of native speakers of these languages. Listen carefully and fill in the missing languages and numbers. Vietnamese 67 mi. 66 mi. 64 mi. 63 mi. Turkish 59 mi. 58 mi. 44 mi. Polish 44 mi. Arabic 42.5 mi. 41 mi

Part ii The Worlds 6.000,000th Inhabitant Words and phras 4 Section A: Now listen to a news report on the worlds six billionth inhabitant. Answer the following questions by supplying the missing information. e 1. Who is the world s six billionth inhabitant? a baby boy born in Bosnia-Herzegovina 402 What's the UN Secretary Generals purpose in visiting the motherand the child? To draw attention to the social and ecological problem of rapidly expanding populations 3. According to the UN population agency, how different are people s lives from those in the past? People are living longer and healthier lives than any generation in the history

Part II The World’s 6,000,000th Inhabitant Words and Phrases Section A: Now listen to a news report on the world’s six billionth inhabitant. Answer the following questions by supplying the missing information. 1. Who is the world’s six billionth inhabitant? ________________________ born in Bosnia-Herzegovina. 2. What’s the UN Secretary General’s purpose in visiting the mother and the child? To draw attention to the _______ and ____________ problem of rapidly expanding ________________. 3. According to the UN population agency, how different are people’s lives from those in the past? People are living _________ and __________ lives than any generation in the history. A baby boy social ecological populations longer healthier

Part ii The Worlds 6.000,000th Inhabitant Q Section B: Now listen to the passage again. After that, three sentences chosen from the passage will be read to you. Listen carefully and match Column A, the numbers, with Column B, the relevant information. e 1.1,000,000002 a population in the middle of the new century 2.“80,000,000 b Number of young people entering their productive years now 10,000.000,000 C Number of babies to be born next year Section C: Now listen to a faster presentation of the material. Check your answers The Faster Presentation

Part II The World’s 6,000,000th Inhabitant Section B: Now listen to the passage again. After that, three sentences chosen from the passage will be read to you. Listen carefully and match Column A, the numbers, with Column B, the relevant information. 1. 1,000,000,000+ a. Population in the middle of the new century 2. 80,000,000 b. Number of young people entering their productive years now 3. 10,000,000,000 - c. Number of babies to be born next year. Section C: Now listen to a faster presentation of the material. Check your answers. The Faster Presentation

6 Part Ill The Biggest Cities in the World Words and phrases nd an expert about biggest cities in the world. while listening focus on the numbers er Section A: You are going to hear a conversation between an interviewe complete the two charts below. <e In1950 Position in top 10 Population New York 12 million Londot 2 10 million Calcutta 10 4 million Tokyo 3 6 million In2000 Position in top 10 Population New York 6 14 million Calcutta 4 16 million Tokyo 18 million

Part III The Biggest Cities in the World Words and Phrases Section A: You are going to hear a conversation between an interviewer and an expert about biggest cities in the world. While listening, focus on the numbers and complete the two charts below. In 1950 Position in top 10 Population New York 1 _____________ London __________ _____________ Calcutta __________ 4 million Tokyo __________ 6 million In 2000 Position in top 10 Population New York __________ 14 million Calcutta __________ _____________ Tokyo 3 _____________ 12 million 2 10 million 10 3 6 4 16 million 18 million

E Part III- The Biggest Cities in the World other seven cities whose population is likely to be in the top ten in 2000. yy to find out the Section B: Now listen to the conversation again and ti The other seven cities in the top in 2000: Mexico city Sao paulo 3. Rio de janeiro B bombay Delhi 6. Shanghai Seoul The end of pari lIr

Part III The Biggest Cities in the World Section B: Now listen to the conversation again and try to find out the other seven cities whose population is likely to be in the top ten in 2000. The other seven cities in the top in 2000: 1. ______________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. ______________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. ______________________________ 6. __________________________________ 7. ______________________________ Mexico City Sao Paulo Rio de Janeiro Bombay Delhi Shanghai Seoul - The End of Part III -



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