Unit 4 All Can Scceed 鲁鲁春 a a
Part I Part II Part III Part IV
Part] Warming UP (A) Unit4 Words& Phi rases 4 Direction: In this part you are goingto heara Passage abouthow one can achieve success. L sten carefully and filnthebla-k with the missing words 4. ones ts outin life to fail. T he reality is that many do. Why do some prosper while others ere is no simple answer to that question but here are a few thoughts that might hcd sone ligbt onto this very complex issue 41. The future is in yourimagination Human are blessed with the ability to thinkinto thefuture. W e can use our imagination to see Possibilities. Use this uniquegift in a positive way Build a vision of what you want to be, have or do. It is _ the startingpoint of all successful activities 4 2. To win, you must expect to win Once we imagine our future, we mu st wrap that vision with a belief system that encourages us to fulfill the vision 3. We are surrounded by _ opportunity As we moye through time, opportunities are abound. AI we have to do is recognize them an reach out to gran them. Capturing opportunity demands risk. A you a risk taker <01/10≥
Part I Warming Up (A) Unit 4 Words & Phrases Direction : In this part you are going to hear a passage about how one can achieve success. Listen carefully and fill in the blankswith the missing words. No one sets out in life to fail. The reality is that many do. Why do some prosper while others struggle just to exist? There is no simple answer to that question but here are a few thoughts that might shed some light onto this very complex issue. 1. The future is _______________________. Human are blessed with the ability to __________________. We can use our imagination to see ___________. Use this unique gift in ______________. Build a vision of what you want to be, have or do. It is _________________ of all successful activities. 2. To win, you must _________________. Once we imagine our future, we must wrap that vision with a belief system that encourages us to _________________. 3. We are surrounded by ____________. As we move through time, opportunities are abound. All we have to do is ________ them and reach out to ______ them. Capturing opportunity demands risk. Are you _______________? > in your imagination think into the future possibilities a positive way the starting point expect to win fulfill the vision opportunity recognize grab a risk taker
Part] Warming UP (A) Unit4 Words& Phi rases we. Direction: In part you are goingto heara passage abouthow one can achieve success.Listen carefully and filnthebla-k with the missing words t you do or do something else. owachievers usually don't like to work or don't like the work they are doing. Those who don't prosper or those who work, it is critically important that their work be experience Match your skills to your job requitement he closer the match, the more the experience 5.Your success depends on other people No man is an island. We mu st interact with and receive the support of others. Build a network of friends Get to know people of achievement. Listen to their words, watch their actions and apply what works for you veruone can succes We are all born with enough abilities to experience succes Our task is to discoverand devel hose abilities. Nothing comes casily Success demands hard Mork. Are you willing to work that 2/10≥
Unit 4 Words & Phrases Direction : In this part you are going to hear a passage about how one can achieve success. Listen carefully and fill in the blankswith the missing words. 4. Like what you do or __________________ Low achievers usually don’t like to work or don’t like the work they are doing. Those who don’t want to work will never _________. For those who work, it is critically important that their work be ____ ______________. Match your skills to your __________________. The closer the match, the more enjoyable the experience. 5. Your success depends on ______________ No man is an island. We must interact with and receive ___________ of others. Build a network of ________. Get to know people of ____________. Listen to their words, _______ their actions and ______ what works for you. 6. ________________________ We are all born with enough abilities to experience success. Our task is ___________________ those abilities. Nothing comes easily. Success demands _____________. Are you willing to work that hard? Part I Warming Up (A) > do something else prosper a joyful experience job requirement other people the support friends achievement watch apply Everyone can succeed to discover and develop hard work
Part] Warming UP B) Unit4 Words &Phi rases 4 Direction: SupPose are an administratorin a middle school, read the followingchecklist. Supplythe missng wordsto complete the questions below. Answerallthe questions by ticking"yes" 口口D°9 possess good organizationalskil 口Ae u results onente De 3. Are you open-minded Kon all issues brought before you? 仁4+D you put children First in the decision process 口√5,Do9 ou encourage parentalandcitizen Involvement? 口口6D Do you encourage Innovation and excellend lo you commit to maximize the develo pmen f every student? 08. Do you promote school or community cooperation 09. Do you support enhancement of student needs n the schoo 口口√10 Can you offer iddas and plans to strengthen the school 03/10≥
Unit 4 Words & Phrases Direction : Suppose you are an administrator in a middle school, read the following checklist. Supply the missingwords to complete the questions below. Answer all the questions by ticking “yes” or “no”. 1. Do you possess good _______________________? 2. Are you __________________. 3. Are you ______________ on all issues brought before you? 4. Do you put children first ______________________? 5. Do you encourage ____________________ involvement? 6. Do you encourage __________________________________? 7. Do you commit to maximize ________________ of every student? 8. Do you promote school or community _________________? 9. Do you support enhancement of _______________ in the school? 10. Can you offer ________________ to strengthen the school? Part I Warming Up (B) > organizational skills results oriented open-minded in the decision process parental and citizen innovation and excellence the development cooperation student needs ideas and plans
Part] Warming UP B) Unit4 Words& Phi rases Direction: SupPose are an administratorin a middle school, read the following checklist. Supplythe missng wordsto complete the questions below. Answerallthe questions by ticking"yes" 口口 UDo you expect- high performance from teachers? 口D o you communicate e teachers in the school? D13. Do you believe in-continuous profess pnal development of self and the entire staff? DE 4014. Do you deal fairly with all school employees regardless of theirbackgroundorpositiom □15.A you a consensus builder 口口16. Do you understan eaders 口口17. Is your word your bond? Are you trustworth 口囗√18 Do you strive to understand theposition of other staff members 19.D e ot-personalintegrity 口口20. Can you workwell with others?
Words & Phrases Direction : Suppose you are an administrator in a middle school, read the following checklist. Supply the missingwords to complete the questions below. Answer all the questions by ticking “yes” or “no”. 11. Do you expect _____________________________ from teachers? 12. Do you communicate ________________ to the teachers in the school? 13. Do you believe in _______________________________ of self and the entire staff? 14. Do you deal fairly with all school employees regardless of _____________________? 15. Are you __________________? 16. Do you understand _____________________? 17. Is your word ___________? Are you ______________? 18. Do you strive to understand _______________ of other staff members? 19. Do you display a high degree of __________________? 20. Can you ___________________? Part I Warming Up Unit 4 (B) > high quality performance directly and clearly continuous professional development their background or position a consensus builder leadership sills your bond trustworthy the position personal integrity work well with others
Part) Si ul People Unit4 Words& Ph rases who thatpersonfs and why he or she considers thatperson to be successful. Complete thecar son Direction: L to fourpeople talking about the most successfulperson they know Foci Who is the successful person Who is the successful person? M um omeon with Physical disabilities Why He/ she is successful? Why He/ She is Successful? Excellently bringing up 9 children 1overcoming cal difficulty of arthntysrcomngphysicatdifficuity of 2 not alowing the difficulty to hold her a <5/10≥
Words & Phrases Direction : Listen to four people talking about the most successful person they know. Focus on who that person is and why he or she considers that person to be successful. Complete the chart. Part II Successful People Unit 4 (A) Speaker I Who is the successful person? ________________________________ Why He/ She is Successful? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Speaker II Who is the successful person? ________________________________ Why He/ She is Successful? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ > Mum Excellently bringing up 9 children. Someone with Physical disablilities 1. overcoming physical difficulty of arthritis 2. not allowing the difficulty to hold her back 1. overcoming physical difficulty of arthritis
Part) Si ul People Unit4 Words& Ph rases who thatpersonfs and why he or she considers thatperson to be successful. Complete thecar son Direction: L to fourpeople talking about the most successfulperson they know Foci kerⅣ Who is the Is the succes Mable Davis, a deaflady Kenneth Branagh,an actor She is Successful? 1. workingher way up to be a headmistress : 1, getting an enormous amount of energy 2.a very good self-publicist o6/10
Words & Phrases Direction : Listen to four people talking about the most successful person they know. Focus on who that person is and why he or she considers that person to be successful. Complete the chart. Part II Successful People Unit 4 (A) Speaker III Who is the successful person? ________________________________ Why He/ She is Successful? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Speaker IV Who is the successful person? ________________________________ Why He/ She is Successful? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ > 1. working her way up to be a headmistress Mable Davis, a deaf lady Kenneth Branagh, an actor 1. getting an enormous amount of energy 2. a very good self-publicist
Part II Successful People B) Unit4 Words &Phi rases 4 Direction: Nowksten again Then listen to some statements. Decide whetherthey are trueor false. Put“T n the brackets 2 When the second speaker wasinterviewed, the successfulperson that immediately came to her mind was one with arthritis 40 3.The third eakerhas respec tfor Mable Da avies becaus she herselfis 4.The fourth speakerthinks that the actorhas got an enormous amount of energy as he saw him on stage and onfilm xO7/10>2
Words & Phrases Direction : Now listen again. Then listen to some statements. Decide whether they are true or false. Put “T” or “F” in the brackets. Part II Successful People Unit 4 (B) 1. According to the first speaker, the most important thing that mum taught her children is to love the family. 2. When the second speaker was interviewed, the successful person that immediately came to her mind was the one with arthritis. 3. The third speaker has a lot of respect for Mable Davies because she herself is deaf. 4. The fourth speaker thinks that the actor has got an enormous amount of energy as he saw him on stage and on film. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) > F T F F
Part l Gordon Parks (A Unit4 Words& Ph rases Direction: Listen to th efirstpartof the material. Complete the paragraph 0 Gordon P ks is arr artist who has many s su taking gP otos, writing books, composin and directing movies However, he is best known for his work with a camera. He saw the camera as a means of expression and communication ordon I arks was born into a poorfamnl n1912. After his mother died when he was ly 16, he worked several low-paying jobs to support hims He became interested in photography at the age of 25 He thought photography could express How difficult it was to be poor <8/10≥
Words & Phrases Direction : Listen to the first part of the material. Complete the paragraph. Part III Gordon Parks Unit 4 (A) Gordon Parks is an artist who has many skills such as _________________________________ _________________________. However, he is best known for ___________________. He saw the camera as _______________________________________________. Gordon Parks was born into _______________ in ______. After his mother died when he was only ____, he worked several low-paying jobs to __________________. He became interested in ____ _____________ at the age of ____. He thought _____________ could express ________________ ___________________. > taking photos, writing books, composing music and directing movies his work with a camera a means of expression and communication a poor family 1912 16 support himself photography 25 photography How difficult it was to be poor
Part‖lG ordon ark Unit4 a Words Phr rases Direction: Nowlisten to the second partofthe material. F irstcomplete the chart about Gordon arks en co ethe statements about some of Gordon Parks's most successfulworks taking pictures oh tha poor living condition in Chicago 48 working as a photographer for Life magazine in195 togra her for life in1956 traveling to the southern (5, to photograph racialinjustice in1961 working on a project about therich and poorin brazil e by the1960s one of the most influential photographers of his time in1963 inishing a book about growing upin Kansas at the age of 85 sill writing poetry composing tu sic- and making photographs_ <o9/10≥2
Words & Phrases Direction : Now listen to the second part of the material. First complete the chart about Gordon Parks. Then complete the statements about some of Gordon Parks’s most successful works Part III Gordon Parks Unit 4 (B) in 1941 taking pictures of the poor living condition in Chicago in ________ working as a photographer for Life magazine in 1950 photographer for Life in ________ traveling to the southern U.S. to photograph __________________ in 1961 working on a project about _________________________________ by _________ one of the most influential photographers of his time in ________ finishing a book about growing up in Kansas at the age of 85 still writing _______, composing ______ and making ______________. > 1948 1956 racial injustice the rich and poor in Brazil the 1960s 1963 poetry music photographs