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这一章的复习提要稍晚了两天,都是战争惹的麻烦。大家看到了,一个国家如果没有实力,就有可能挨打。“联合国”,“安理 会”并不能保证你的安全。哪里打仗,那里的人民就遭殃。大家还是好好学习吧,特别是计算方法,它直接关系到我们未来的导弹能否打得更准。说是复习提纲,实际是这一章的讲义,虽然与教材有较大的出入,但比教材容易理解。如果一时难以完全消化,那就要重点进攻了:拉格朗日插值和牛顿插值方法应该很熟,程序应该会编;接下来应该掌握插值多项式的唯一性,插商的定义域性质
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范德蒙行列式 例2行列式 d=|aa嗚 称为m级的范德蒙( Vandermonde)行列式,我们来证明,对任 意的r,第级范德蒙行列式等于a1,a2…/an这个数的所有可能 的差a;-a(1≤j
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数值积分与数值微分 6.1求积公式 由定积分的定义可知,连续函 数f(x)在区间[ab]上的定积分近似 值可以表示为[ab]内的一些点 X,×1,x处的函数值 f(Xo,f(×1),f(xn)的加权和或线性组 合,即 f(x)dx≈∑w·∫(x,)
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ENGINEERING ECONOMICS II INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Companies(and individuals) invest money in order to earn money Examples Build a factory to make washing machines and dryers → Open laundromat Write novel(what is being invested here?) Get a degree in chemical engineering
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多元线性回归分析 多元线性回归分析( multiple linear regression analysis)的定义 通过建立关系方程式,实现用k(k≥2)个自变数来预测依变数及对预测精度给出 评价的统计分析,当自变数与依变数间的关系为线性时此分析称之为多元线性回归分析
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Eco514 Game Theory Lecture 10: Extensive Games with (Almost)Perfect Information Marciano Siniscalchi October 19, 1999 Introduction Beginning with this lecture, we focus our attention on dynamic games. The majority of games of economic interest feature some dynamic component, and most often payoff uncertainty as well. The analysis of extensive games is challenging in several ways. At the most basic level describing the possible sequences of events (choices)which define a particular game form is not problematic per se; yet, different formal definitions have been proposed, each with its pros and cons
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Eco514 Game Theory Lecture 5: Games with Payoff Uncertainty(2) Marciano Siniscalchi September 30, 1999 Introduction This lecture continues our analysis of games with payoff uncertainty. The three main objec- tives are: (1) to illustrate the flexibility of the Harsanyi framework (or our version thereof);
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14.1基本原理 14.1.1(气泡间隔的)连续流动自动分析仪 以空气为间隔,试剂和样品在被隔开的小室中均匀 混合并达到稳态
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Chapter F3 Power notes The Matching Concept and the Adjusting Process Learning Objectives 1. The Matching Concept 2. Nature of the Adjusting Process 3. Recording Adjusting Entries 4. Summary of Adjustment Process 5. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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Chapter F5 Power notes Accounting for Merchandising Businesses Learning Objectives 1. Nature of Merchandising Business 2a. Accounting for Purchases 2b. Accounting for Sales 2c. Transportation Costs 2d. Merchandise Transactions 3. Merchandising Chart of Accounts 4. Merchandising Income Statement 5. Merchandising Accounting Cycle 6. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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