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1.Objectives of this lecture; 2.know how to polish and refine sentences a. sentence unity b. long and short sentences c. loose and periodic sentences
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1 a) Buy IBX stock in Tokyo and simultaneously sell them in NY, and your arbitrage profit is $2 per share. b)The prices will converge. c)Instead of the prices becoming exactly equal, there can remain 1%% discrepancy between
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1.Objectives of this lecture; 2.know how to polish and refine sentences a. sentence unity b. long and short sentences c. loose and periodic sentences
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1) (a)Study DC motors, (b) Servo motors 2) Study Stepping Motors 3) Study open-loop and closed-loop control 4) Control methods – I) Proportional feedback control – II) PID (proportional-integral-derivative) control
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Multiple Choice If one person can perform a task in fewer hours than another, you know the person has in performing the task. a. an absolute advantage. b. a comparative advantage. C. both a comparative advantage and an absolute advantage. rd. neither an absolute nor a comparativ advantage
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Section A Environmental Protection Throughout the World Section B Green Spaces in Cities Section C Earth--aLiving Planet
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Lead-in Questions 1. Are you iron deficient 2 How would you know? a, tired b have reduced ability to exercise. C have poor stamina d get frequent infections e are lethargIc
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Lead-in Questions 1. Are you iron deficient 2. How would you know? a. tired b. have reduced ability to exercise. C. have poor stamina d. get frequent infections e. are lethargic
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Monte Carlo Integration Hit and miss method:Algorithm: ( 1) generate N uniform random numbers, (i=1, 2,..., N), on(a,b) and N uniform random numbers, (i=1, 2,..., N), on (0,c); (2) calculate g() and count the number of cases, Nhit for whichg() (3)I can be estimated by
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2.3逆矩阵 定义:对于Ann,若有Bn满足AB=BA=E,则称A为可逆矩阵, 且B为A的逆矩阵,记作A-1=B. 定理1若A为可逆矩阵,则A的逆矩阵唯一 证设B与C都是A的逆矩阵,则有
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