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八人赛艇比赛和举重比赛一样,分成86公斤 的重量级和73公斤的轻量级。1971年, TAMcMahon比较了1964-1970年期间两次 奥运会和两次世锦赛成绩,发现86公斤级比 73公斤级的成绩大约好5%,产生这一差异的 原因何在呢? 我们将以L表示轻量级、以H表示重 量级,用S表示赛艇的浸水面积, 表示赛艇速度,W表示选手体重,P 表示选手的输出功率,1表示赛程, 表示比赛成绩(时间)
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We have thus far looked at In-plane loads torsional loads In addition, structures can carry loads by bending. The 2-D case is a plate, the simple 1-d case is a beam. Let's first review what you learned in Unified as Simple Beam Theory
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Let's first review a bit... from Unified, saw that there are basic considerations in elasticity: 1. Equilibrium 2. Strain-Displacement 3. Stress- Strain Relations (Constitutive Relations)
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development of forests A s forests are complex ecosystems requiring which the unique role of forests is recognized, balanced and sustainable management, one partnerships between and among countries from of the main challenges today is to reconcile the the north and the South are the basis on which often conflicting priorities of those who depend on Joint Implementation and the Clean Development them for a whole range of goods and services. It is Mechanism are built
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ration and Use: A Seminar via Interne Analysis of two alternative harvesting systems hosted by the World Bank, July 2000. The in peninsular Malaysia: sensitive analysis of conferenceWebsiteiswww.worldbank.org/ Alexander, m. rowell, T.A. 1999. Recent anagement Inc., Washington, DC. developments in management planning and Brown, S, Sathaye, J, Cannel, M.& Kauppi, P. monitoring on protected sites in the United 1996. Management of forests for mitigation of
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The status of forests: the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000 ) emand has grown for a broad range of began in 1996. In that year, FAO convened an information on forests at the national and expert consultation in Kotka, Finland, where international levels. Reliable information on the some of the world's leading forest inventory status and trends o specialists provided technical advice on the scope decision-makers and implementation of FRA 2000 as well as on a orienting fores ch core set of forest-related definitions to be used in information is usef
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一.填空(共计26分) 1.(每空1分)令P:天气好Q:我有时间.R:我在家.S:我上街 将下面各个命题的符号表达式填在各个命题后面的括号内 (1).或者我上街,或者我在家.( ) (2)仅当天气好,我才上街.( )
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分子动力学的主要目的是解上面的方程求得体系状态 相空间演化的轨迹{rp0,{rpm,{rp2{rp}s, 进而可计算我们感兴趣的物理量的值Q(rp})
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“阶梯”地形(Terrace) 贝叶斯判别分析 3S(GIS, RS,GPS) 被动遥感( Passive Remote Sensing) 9交模型(9-9-Intersection Model,9-im) 比较统计地图(Cartogram) BSP树 比例尺(Scale)
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I. Preparation Warm-up Activities 1. Pair Work: Talk with your neighbor about someone you love most. Words you may refer to: considerate patient a great helper generous housework hard-working point out one's mistakes a good cook encouraging tender honest gentle respectable easy to get along with a good listener kind caring
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