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8.1 Naming Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers Alcohols Methyl(C has 3 Hs), primary (1 )(C has two Hs, one R), secondary(2)(C has one h twoRs), tertiary (3)(C has no H,3R's)
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ORGANIC CHEMISTRY The first question we need to ask ourselves s What is“ Organic Chemistry\?
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2.1化学反应速率 一 、化学反应速率的表示方法 化学反应速率是指在一定条件下,化学反应中反应物转变为生成物的速率, 往往用单位时间内反应物或生成物浓度变化的正值(绝对值)表示,单位:mol.l-1. 时间。时间可以为s、min或其他时间单位
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一、通性 二、s区元素的重要化合物 三、ds区元素的重要化合物 四、锂、铍的特殊性和对角线规则
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目录 71A建设概况 7.2FOA的证书管理策略 7.3S∥数字证书的中请与使用 7.4始 er iSig数字证书的中请与使用
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Final Project Questions Let's take up to an hour to Review progress answer questions Referencing sources in the term project Direct quotes-- Place in quotes or indent and cite source in footnote or reference
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讨论导数,即讨论lm4的极限是否存在,而不 △x→0△v 是研究改变量本身.实践中,我们关心的是:当 自变量x有微小改变量x时,函数y相应的改变量 y与Ax有何关系,大小又如何 先看一个实际例子:正方形的边长由x变到x+Ax 时,其面积改变多少?由S=x2知:
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Teaching plan for Unit 3 I Aims Demands Get the students (1)to comprehend the text of Section A 2)to have a good grasp of the following points: ups and downs be /get involved with; hold work out: go through; for a time i met with all along; upon/on doing sth subsequently(consequently): harbor; see.as; at one's worst; why do/ not do sth; buy time; never too adj. to do sth
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Lead In 1. Liberal arts 2. Bachelor's Degrees Earned by American Women 3. Distinguished women in Science 4. Chinese Women 5. Topic-related words and Phrases
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§8-1 Electric Charges Coulomb’s Law 电荷 库仑定律 §8-2 The Electric Field 电场 电场强度 §8-4 Gauss’ Law 高斯定理 §8-5 Electric Potential 静电场的功 电势 §8-3 Electric Field Line and Flux 电力线 电通量 §8-6 Equipotential Surface and Potential Gradient 等势面 电场强度与电势的关系 §8-7 The Electric Force Exerted on a Moving Particle 带电粒子在外电场中的运动
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