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873.60 Enamel fracture 873.61 Crown fracture without pulp involvement 873.62 Crown fracture with pulp involvement 873.63 Root fracture 873.64 Crown-root fracture 873.66 Tooth luxation (dislocation) 873.67 Intrusion or extrusion 873.68 Avulsion 873.69 Other injuries
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Operative dentistry is the ART and SCIENCE of the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis of defects of teeth which do not require full coverage restorations for correction
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❑ Caries; ❑ Malformed, discolored, or fractured teeth; ❑ Restoration replacement
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武汉大学:《牙体牙髓病学》课程教学资源(英文版)第十二篇 口腔内科学多选题练习
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Current concepts of caries Dental caries is a specific infectious microbiological disease of the teeth that results in localized dissolution and destruction of the calcified tissues Germfree animals do not get caries
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概述: 牙髓病是发生在牙髓组织的一类疾病。 牙髓的特点 解剖位置特殊——四周为硬组织 疏松结缔组织——反应性变化、炎症 随年龄增长———退行性变
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