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I. Perfectly Competition Characteristics and profit outlook Effect of new entrants II. Monopolies Sources of monopoly power. Maximizing monopoly profits. Pros and cons III. Monopolistic Competition
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I. Market Structure Measures of Industry Concentration II. Conduct Pricing Behavior Integration and Merger Activity III. Performance Dansby-Willig Index Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm IV. Preview of Coming Attractions
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I. Methods of Procuring Inputs Spot Exchange Contracts Vertical Integration II. Transaction Costs Specialized Investments III. Optimal Procurement Input
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I. Production Analysis Total Product, Marginal Product, Average Product Isoquants Isocosts Cost Minimization II. Cost Analysis
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《管理经济学》课程PPT教学课件(Managerial Economics)第三章 生产决策分析
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一、 垄断市场的特征 一个企业 控制价格 没有替代品,即需求的交叉弹性为零 不能进出
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I. Consumer Behavior Indifference Curve Analysis Consumer Preference Ordering II. Constraints The Budget Constraint Changes in Income Changes in Prices III. Consumer Equilibrium
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I. Elasticities of Demand Own Price Elasticity Elasticity and Total Revenue Cross-Price Elasticity Income Elasticity II. Demand Functions
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合并&收购 厂商的增长与扩大可以通过内部发展实现,更快的是通过合并(MERGERS)与收购(TAKE--OVERS)来实现
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一、经济学是什么 机会成本与农民盖房 经济学之我见 二、管理经济的定义与内容 三、企业是什么
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