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真菌(fungus )真菌是一种真核细胞形微生物。有典型和完 善的细胞器。不含叶绿素、无根、茎、叶的分 化。 广泛分布、种类繁多,多数无害、少数有益( 食用蕈、生产抗菌素、酿酒)致病真菌:致病、条件致病、产毒、致癌等 感染率上升原因:菌群失调(滥用抗菌素)、 免疫低下(激素、抗癌药物)
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Actinomyces A.israelii,A.naeslundii; Gram positive;sulfur granule; Related to decaytooth and peridentitis
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Category Spore-forming:rod, Gram (+)--- Clostridium Nonspore-forming:see next slides
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Gram-negative rods Curves or comma shaped Non-spore forming Highly motile-single polar flagella Associated with salt water Oxidase positive Facultative anaerobe Tolerate alkaline conditions to
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Morphology & Identification Gram-negative non-spore forming rods. When motile, byperitrichous flagella. Primarily normal flora of gastrointestinal tract. E. coli>Klebsiella>Proteus>Enterobacter Free living, also transient colonizers of skin. Facultative anaerobes: mixed acid fermentation
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第一节 人类免疫缺陷病毒 (Human immunodeficiency virus,HIV) 第二节 人类嗜 T细胞病毒 human T-cell lymphotropic virus,HTLV
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第一节 人轮状病毒 Human rotavirus,HRV 第二节 杯状病毒 Calicivirus 第三节 星状病毒与肠道腺病毒
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第一节 脊髓灰质炎病毒(poliovirus) 第二节 柯萨奇病毒、ECHO病毒 第三节 新型肠道病毒
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第一节 概述 第二节 主要致病性衣原体
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