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1-1截面为16a号槽钢的简支梁,跨长1=4.2m,受集度为q=2kN/m的均布荷载作 用,梁放在=20°的斜面上。试确定梁危险截面上A点和B点处的弯曲正应力
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题1-1:图示单向均匀拉伸的板条。若受力前在其表面画上两个正方形a和b,则受力后正 方形a、b分别变为
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The diffusion of new products and new processes of production within and between business enterprises is clearly one of the fundamental aspects of the process of growth and transformation of contemporary economies It is well known that the diffusion of new products and processes takes varying lengths of time: some economic agents adopt very early after the development of an innovation while others sometimes do it only after decades
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Strategic Management Journal is currently published by John wiley sons Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/about/terms.htmlJstOr'sTermsandConditionsofUseprovidesinpartthatunlessyou have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use
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一、点线面作图题(保留作图线)(本大题共3小题,其中第1小题3分、第2小题3分,第3小题6分,共12分) 1.求作与 ox 轴成45°夹角的铅垂面的水平投影。 2.求作1/4圆球面上 A 点的正面投影和水平投影。 3.在平面 ABC 内求作直线 KL。KL 与 AC 平行,K 点距 A、C 点均为30mm,L 在 BC 线上
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1 开集减闭集的差集是开集, 闭集减开集的差集是闭集 证明:利用A-B=A∩Bc , 开集的余集是闭集,闭集的余集是开集, 以及有限个开集的交仍是开集, 有限个闭集的交仍是闭集即得
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Two stimulating and innovative papers by Morrill were concerned with waves of spatial diffusion.(Morrill,[1, 2 )The purpose of the first was to propose some insights and interpretations which can be obtained by characteriz ive-like phend Morrill scopic and theoretical implications of such a conceptualization. He was concerned with both time and distance, and noted that in earlier conceptualizations more emphasis had been placed on de ecay re elated to time than on that related to distance. He therefore hypothesized that the number of innovations would de-
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一、选择题((1)~(30)题每小题 1 分,(31)~(55)题第小题 2 分,共 80分)下列各题中 A、B、C、D 四个选题项中,只有一个选项是正确的。 1.存储器的 1KB 存储容量表示 。 A.1024 个二进制位 B.1024 个字节
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一、选择题((1)-(10)、(21)-(40)每题 2 分,(11)-(20)每题 1 分,共 70 分)下列各题 A)、B)、C)、 D)四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂写在答题相应位置上,答在试卷上不得分。 (1)程序流程图中带有箭头的线段表示的是 A)图元关系 B)数据流 C)控制流 D)调用关系
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一、选择题: 1.下列数据结构中,能用二分法进行查找的是 A)顺序存储的有序线性表 B)线性链表 C)二叉链表 D)有序线性链表 2.下列关于栈的描述正确的是 A)在栈中只能插入元素而不能删除元素 B)在栈中只能删除元素而不能插入元素 C)栈是特殊的线性表,只能在一端插入或删除元素 D)栈是特殊的线性表,只能在一端插入元素,而在另一端删除元素
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