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(1)鉴于乙方与甲方订立本合同,安装甲方的空气调 节设备,双方协议如下: Whereas party b and party a have entered into this Contract to install Party As air-conditioning equipment, the he Parties hereto do hereby agree as follows (2)鉴于该银行同意向该公司提供短期信贷作为资金 周转之用,双方达成协议如下: Whereas the Bank has agreed to extend as Short Term Credit loan for the purpose of providing general working capital to the company, the Parties thereto do hereby agree as follows
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2凸函数及其应用 凸函数定义及其等价形式: 设f(x)在区间I上有定义,若对任意x1、x2∈I,A∈[0,1]成立不等式:
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设网络N仅由线性电阻元件组成,该网络对外 有两对端钮。 互易定理1:对于图示两电路有 2 当l1=l2时, 即电压源和电流表互换位置后,电流表的读数不变
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字符串的概念 字符串是由零个或多个字符组成的有限序列集合,通常我们把字符串简称为串在高级语言中一般都是用引号(“)或单引号()括起来,例如,串a1a2an,我们一般记为“aa2an”或a1a2an
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一、统计的涵义:统计工作、统计资料、统计学 1、统计工作: A统计简史: B统计工作阶段:统计设计、统计调查、统计 整理、统计分析 2、统计学: A海门尔康令:《国势学》;
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9-1电子设计自动化软件工具概述 9-2 Pspice应用 9-3EWB使用简介 9-4max+plu开发工具介绍 9-5小结
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We are going to consider the forces exerted on a material. These can be external or internal. External forces come in two flavors: body forces(given per unit mass or volume) and surface forces(given per unit area). If we cut a body of material in equilibrium under a set of external forces along a plane as shown in fig. 1. and consider one side of it we draw two conclusions: 1 the equilibrium provided by the loads from the side taken out is provided by a set of forces that are distributed among the material particles adjacent to
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一、名词解释。 1.会计科目根据会计制度的规定,结合自身的特点和规模设立的是账户的名称 2复式记账对于任何一笔经济都要在两个或两个以上的有关账户中,进行同时等 额登记的一种记账方法,这种记账方法就是复式记账法
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一、区域 1.邻域 设o(x,yo)是xOy平面上的一个点,δ是某一正数。与点Po(x,yo)距离小于δ的 点p(x,y)的全体,称为点P的邻域,记为U(P,),即 U(,)={P0为半径的圆内部 的点P(x,y)的全体
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1、简述而为直线编码裁剪算法的原理答:(略) 2、简述在计算机图形学中常用的三个坐标系用户坐标系、设备坐标系、规格化坐标系的关系。答:(略)
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