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§2.1地壳是固体地球的外部层圈 §2.2矿物 §2.3岩石
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《工程地质学》课程PPT教学课件:第一章 绪论
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《构造地质学》课程教学资源:练习05 阐述
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《构造地质学》课程教学资源:练习04 简述
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《构造地质学》课程教学资源:练习03 简答
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《构造地质学》课程教学资源:练习02 填空
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《构造地质学》课程教学资源:练习01 名词解释
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September 8, 2000 1. Describe the difference between slip and separation on a fault. 2. What type of offset() can be interpreted from the map below? Give a detailed description of your logic on the back of the page
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1. Interpret the geologic history of the Grand Canyon using the diagram below. List the events in order from the oldest (at the bottom of the page) to the youngest(at the top of the page). For each event describe the principle or observation you used
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