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Defined as an impact, characterized by sudden and substantial change in velocity. Shocks in the distribution environment: Accidental and deliberate drops during manual handling Drops from chutes, conveyors, and other machinery Falls from pallet loads Sudden arrests on conveyors Impacts occurring when vehicles hit potholes, curbs, or railroad tracks
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Introduction Color Perception Color Terminology Viewing Color
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Plasticating Extruder Gear reducer -Feed hopper Heater bands Feed throat
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采用预乳化半连续乳液聚合工艺,合成了一种丙烯酸酯类乳液,将其与自制水性松香乳液、VAE乳液复配 制成复合乳液胶粘剂,用于包装和印刷行业的纸塑复合,剥离强度达到了3.8N/25mm探讨了单体、引发剂、乳化剂、 聚合方法等对丙烯酸酯乳液的影响,考察了松香树脂、VAE乳液影响产品性能的因素
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2.1 Introduction: the role of packaging in the food chain 2.2 Active packaging techniques 2.3 Intelligent packaging techniques 2.4 Current use of novel packaging techniques
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absorbers see scavengers integrated active packaging, storage bsorption 22, 144-5 and distribution 5. 18. 204 see also packaging- flavour interactions 535-49 absorption-type antimicrobial packaging legislation see legislation aldehyde scavengers 514
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Modified atmosphere (MA)techniques for horticultural products are based on the principle that manipulating or controlling the composition of the surrounding atmosphere affects the metabolism of the packaged product. By creating favourable conditions, quality decay of the product can be inhibited. The different MA techniques come with different levels of control to realise and/or maintain the composition of the atmosphere around the product. Passive MA packaging(MAP)
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All engineering, manufacturing, quality and sales efforts are wasted if your transport packaging fails and your customer receives a damaged product'(ISTA).! 25.1 Introduction: the supply chain for perishable foods Food is a perishable product. It is temperature-, moisture-, and time-sensitive, compared to books, automobile parts, and clothes, however they are shipped
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Food packaging is a still growing market As a consequence, the demand to re-use post-consumer packaging materials grows as well. Recycling of packaging materials plays an increasing role in packaging, and numerous applications can already be found on the market. Ten or twenty years ago most post-consumer packaging waste was going into landfill sites or to incineration
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Package design has great significance for the success of foodstuffs nowadays. Packages are clearly an integral part of the manufacturing and distribution processes. As clothes speak for their wearers, so too packages speak for the packed food product. Packages are developed not only to make weekdays easier for the consumer, but also to make times of celebration more festive. Many food products would not be in shops and on dining tables, if they had not been packed. Nowadays packages face difficult challenges and roles. They have to create the ambience that hitherto was forged by personal service. Packages replace the salesman
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