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《大学英语 2》课程基本信息 《大学英语 2》教学进度计划表 第 一 周 Unit 1 Ways of Learning 预习课文 第 二 周 Unit 1 Ways of Learning Unit 2 Values 复述课文 听写 第 三 周 Unit 2 Values 作文 第 四 周 Unit 3 The Generation Gap 预习课文 第 五 周 Unit 3 The Generation Gap Unit 4 The Virtual World 复述课文 听写 第 六 周 Unit 4 The Virtual World 作文 讨论 第 七 周 Mid-Term Revision 预习课文 第 八 周 Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles 复述课文 听写 第 九 周 Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles Unit 6 Women, Half the Sky 作文 第 十 周 Unit 6 Women, Half the Sky 预习课文 第 十 一 周 Unit 7 Learning about English 复述课文 翻译 第 十 二 周 Unit 7 Learning about English Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment 讨论 第 十 三 周 Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment 第 十 四 周 General Revision 第 十 五 周 General Revision
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The hyde school In 1966, Joseph W. Gauld founded the first Hyde school in Bath, Maine in response to a system of education which hebelieved was failing its children because of conflicting priorities. His search for a new approach in education led to a program that valued attitude over aptitude, effort over ability, and s character over talent
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Background information your ho their potential The hyde school In 1966, Joseph W. Gauld founded the first Hyde school in Bath, Maine in response to a system of education which hebelieved was failing its children because of conflicting priorities. His search for a new approach in education led to a program that valued attitude over aptitude, effort over ability, and s
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Unit 1 Fighting with the Forces of Nature Unit 2 Smart Cars Unit 3 Job Interview Unit 4 Multicultural Society Unit 5 Cruelty Unit 6 The Peace of Life
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Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live Unit 2 The Freedom Givers Unit 3 Security Unit 4 Extraterrestrials Unit 5 How to Celebrate Holidays Unit Six The Last Leaf Unit 7 Making a Living
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violent crimes robbery, aggravated assault hijack forcible rape, murder, bombing kidnapping, shooting a Property crimes arson, burglary, larceny-theft, fraud, motor/ vehicle theft Neighborhood Watch in Britain, there is an arrangement by which people who live in a particular
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1. Listening Comprehension(每题1分,共20分) 1.c2.c3.b4.b5.c6.c7.b8.b9.c10.b11.12.a13.a14.a15.b16.d 17.d18.b19.d20.B
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Pm Going to Buy the Brooklyn Bridge Teaching Objectives grasp the main idea(the belief in superwomen encourages average women to achieve their goals)and the structure of the text 2) appreciate how the author achieves coherence for her essay 3master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text
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grasp the main idea(we should adopt a sensible environmentalism) and the structure of the text(each part containing a contrast) 2)appreciate the various argumentative skills employed in the text 3master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text
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Step One: Leading-in Activities: 1. Watch the short movies of Chaplin. 2. Discussion: (1) What do the famous people's lives look like in your eye? (2) Do you want to be famous one day? Why or why not? And (3) What do you usually do in your
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