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Section A Legal and Moral Implications of Cloning Section B Who Will Take Advantage of Human Cloning Section C Twins Six Years Apart
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Section A The Bermuda Triangle phenomenon Section B The Ride of My Life Section C Easy Ride in a Taxi
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Section A Charlie Chaplin Section B The politicalo Career of a Female Politician Section C A family of Firste
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Section A The Telecommunications Revolution Section B The Information Superhighway Section C Privacy in the Information Age
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Section A Bribery and Bussiness Ethics Section B The Biggest Threat to the Role of Police Officers Section C The Cunning Smuggler
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Section A Slavery Gave Me Noting to Lose Section B Why Are Women Afraid of Wrinkles Section C What Does It Really Mean to Grow Old
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Section A How to Culticate \EQ\ Section B EQ Plays a Role in Personal Success Section C The Major Qualities Making Up Emotional In-telligence
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《English Writing 英语写作》教学资源:(美)欧文·M·柯匹卡尔·科恩丹尼尔·E·弗莱格《逻辑要义》PDF电子书
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Section A Make Euro Disney More European Section B Not to Expect Profits Soon from Euro Disney Section C A Leisure Boon in Japan
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:5MB 文档页数:199
Text Understanding of Text A Text Organization Language Points Useful Expressions Sentences to Be Remembered Exercises Background Information Text Understanding of Text B Text Organization Language Points Useful Expressions Sentences to Be Remembered Exercises Background Information Grammar Focus Grammatical Points Exercises Communicative Activities Listening Communicative Expressions Learn to Communicate
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